The DragonBoat Festival against breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases is back

by time news

2023-09-13 13:25:00

The CardioBreast DragonBoat Festival, the initiative promoted by the National Institute for Cardiovascular Research (INRC) to raise awareness among the general public on the importance of primary cardiovascular prevention and to explain the benefits of a sport like Dragon Boat, also for women who have undergone breast cancer surgery. This year – explains a note – the event will stop in 4 regions (Lazio, Veneto, Tuscany and Puglia). The initiative sees the collaboration of the Italian Dragon Boat Federation, the participation of the Italian Heart Federation (Fipc) and Onco Beauty Onlus, the patronage of the National Association of Breast Operated Women (Andos) and the Italian League for the fight against tumors (Lilt), and the unconditional contribution of Daiichi Sankyo Italia.

The CardioBreast Dragon Boat Festival will set off from Trevignano Romano (RM) to stop on 23 September in Peschiera del Garda (VR), move on to Collesalvetti (LI) on 8 October and end in Bari (BA) on 14 October. On each of the days, the public will be able to watch the friendly competition of two female Dragon Boat teams made up of women who have undergone breast cancer surgery who, at the end of the performance, will share their life and sporting experiences. For the entire duration of the event, from 11.00 to 15.00, an Incr camper will be available to spectators for free cardiological screening, with cardiac function checks, electrocardiogram, blood pressure monitoring and lipid panel control.

“Cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms – states Professor Francesco Fedele, president of the INRC – cause approximately two thirds of all deaths worldwide and often share the same risk factors, at the same time we know that the regular practice of physical activity leads to a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 40-50%, also reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. All evidence that inspired this project last year which had great resonance and participation. A success – he adds – which in this edition is enriched with new partners and further stages, allowing us to expand the prevention promotion activity through periodic checks and correct lifestyles”.

Born in China, Dragon Boat – explains the note – is a sport that is practiced on particular boats whose stern and bow resemble the appearance of a Dragon and can accommodate up to 20 athletes. Scientific research has shown that this discipline is of particular benefit to women who have undergone a mastectomy. “In the last twenty years – observes Antonio De Lucia, psychologist-psychotherapist and president of the Italian DragonBoat Federation – hundreds of Breast Cancer Survivors teams have been created and the Federation is always at the side of these extraordinary athletes and women, supporting them both in competitive events and in the informative ones” which help “their recovery and rebirth, not only from a physical point of view but also psychological and social, thanks to teamwork and solidarity between team members”.

The study of the effects of practicing this sport on cancer patients has shown that the paddling movement promotes the release of myokines which modulate the systemic inflammatory response, inhibiting tumor necrosis and limiting the formation of lymphedema. This process significantly alleviates some symptoms, reduces the feeling of fatigue in carrying out daily activities and helps the patients’ quality of life overall, improving their psychophysical health. “Early diagnosis and great scientific progress in anti-tumor therapies – recalls Flori Degrassi, president of Andos – today allow a consistent percentage of cures or survival, but the effort to increase lifespan must proceed hand in hand with the commitment to improve the quality of life of these patients, with what should be a holistic approach to care, which also takes care of their psychological well-being, rehabilitation and sociability”.

Physical activity also plays a key role in cardiovascular prevention. Aerobic activities such as Dragon Boat, low intensity and long duration, are particularly suitable for improving cardiac function, blood circulation, respiratory system, metabolism and mood. “We are thrilled to join this wide-ranging awareness project – comments Emanuela Folco, president of the Italian Heart Foundation – We will never tire of reiterating that primary cardiovascular prevention, which includes periodic checks and a healthy lifestyle, it is our first defense, and correct information remains an essential tool.”

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