The drama between PSG and K. Mbappe is not over yet – the footballer demands unpaid 55 million. euros

by times news cr

The Frenchman has already made his debut in the Real team. In the first game, the striker scored a goal and helped his team win the UEFA Super Cup.

However, his departure from PSG this summer was not as smooth as he would have liked, and so the conflict between the player and the club arose.

According to Le Monde, Mbappe is battling PSG and the French club’s main investor, Qatar Sport Investments, over unpaid wages.

The French football star, according to the terms of his employment contract, demands the payment of almost 55 million euros gross, which was not paid to him by the management of the Paris club.

This sum includes the last third of the signing bonus (€36m) he was due to receive in February, the last three months of his contract (April, May, June) and an “ethics bonus” for the same three months.

The player’s lawyers sent an official notice to PSG in mid-June and, having so far not received a response, decided to take more stringent measures.

K. Mbappe referred the matter to the Professional Football League (LFP) legal committee and appealed to the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) through the French Football Federation (FFF).

August 8 the player first reported this to the LFP’s legal committee, which has the power to ban the recruitment of any new player to PSG until the situation is resolved.

August 13 Mbappe’s camp sent a letter to the FFF, asking them to inform UEFA of the facts. The letter was addressed to the head of the FFF UEFA Club Licensing Committee.

2024-08-20 21:16:31

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