The dramatic letter: In Yisrael Beiteinu, they call for the dismissal of the Rabbi; the ultra-Orthodox MKs return fire

by time news

The political system did not remain tense in light of the dramatic letter from the Chief Rabbi of Israel, GRD Lau to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, in which he stated that in light of the intention to advance the conversion outline and terminate the tenure of Rabbi Moshe Weller, he would have to remove responsibility for everything in the conversion process.

Minister of Religious Affairs Matan Kahana responded to the letter, saying: “It hurts and regrets the intention of the Chief Rabbi to stop the conversion in Israel only due to the non-extension of a clerk’s tenure. The move will hurt Ethiopian immigrants, soldiers seeking to convert And the coalition these days has a conversion law that will allow Israelis who want to do so to convert according to Halacha. ” The Minister calls on the Chief Rabbi to reiterate his intention to stop conversion in Israel and to continue the commandments in order to reach agreements in favor of state and halakhic conversion.

The Yisrael Beiteinu party, which is known for its hatred of anything that even sanctified it, even called on the Minister of Religions to immediately fire the Chief Rabbi of Israel and prosecute him disciplinary following the evening report in which he presents conditions for the continuation of his position.

On the other hand, the ultra-Orthodox Knesset members issued statements of support for the Garag Lau. The chairman of Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni, said this evening that “They will promote the false conversion plan, and fire those who are currently at the head of the conversion system. The determined standing of the Rabbi preserves the vineyard of Beit Yisrael and prevents the severe damage to the purity of the pedigree of the people of Israel.”

MK Yaakov Litzman added: “We strengthen the hands of Rabbi Hagar Lau, who announced that he would not sign a conversion certificate if and when the invalid conversion outline is promoted, and if the person in charge of the conversion system is fired. This is an important value decision, which will prevent harm to the Jewish character of the state and will protect the existence of Jewish descent in the people of Israel. And do not dry out from those who slander him. ‘

MK Yaakov Asher also sought to strengthen the Rabbi: “Minister Kahana’s statement against the decision of GRD Lau and the Rabbi on the issue of conversion, in which he calls the current judge as head of the conversion system in Israel as a ‘clerk’, as if immigration is a minor technical procedure “And not the core of our people – indicates an alarming ignorance in relation to the issue. Giving, Judaism is not subject to coalition sale and conversion is not a procedure, absolutely not.”

MK Yitzhak Pindros added in response to the rabbi’s announcement that he would not sign conversion certificates if he passed the “outline” of the conversion:

According to Pindros: “The promiscuous conversion plan they are promoting will lead to an indelible rift in the people of Israel and the division of the people into communities and genealogies. I strengthen his hands in his courageous decision. “

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