The DRC must “not be a spoil of war”, says the head of state

by time news

The Democratic Republic of Congo, in the grip of a rebellion in its eastern part, must “not be the spoils of war”, French President Emmanuel Macron launched this Saturday in Kinshasa, calling on everyone “including Rwanda”, to ” take his responsibilities “. “The open looting of the Democratic Republic of Congo must stop. Neither looting, nor balkanization, nor war”, he hammered, during a joint press conference with his Congolese counterpart Felix Tshisekedi. The latter had just deplored the “unjust and barbaric aggression” of which his country considers itself to be a victim.

The DRC accuses Rwanda of supporting the M23 rebellion, which since last year has seized large swathes of territory in the province of North Kivu, a region rich in minerals. UN experts have corroborated this support and several Western chancelleries have denounced it, although Kigali denies it. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also condemned this support, but Kinshasa believes that it is not enough, expecting concrete measures and sanctions against Kigali from Paris.

Words and deeds?

Emmanuel Macron did not condemn Rwanda by name, did not announce sanctions or clearly denounce Rwandan support for the M23, but on Saturday he called on everyone to “take their responsibilities, including Rwanda”. “If he does not respect (the proposed de-escalation plan), then yes there must be sanctions,” he stressed, however, when asked about Rwanda. The French president has given strong support to the diplomatic initiatives launched to try to resolve the crisis, in particular that led by Angolan President Joao Lourenço, whom he met on Friday, during the 2nd leg of his trip to Central Africa.

During discussions he had with Presidents Lourenço and Tshisekedi, as well as with Rwandan President Paul Kagame, Emmanuel Macron said he found that all had “provided clear support” for a ceasefire next Tuesday, as provided in the “chronogram”. The M23 representatives who went to see President Lourenço “also committed themselves to this point, he added. Ceasefires have been announced several times in recent months but have never been respected. “I ask to see,” said Félix Tshisekedi, “we are giving peace a chance.”

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