The dying convulsions of the Jewish home and the control of new hope in education

by time news

The condition of the Jewish home continues to deteriorate. Already when the party’s chairman Hagit Moshe signed the agreement with Naftali Bennett according to which she would support the right and get a ministerial position in the government, many clicked on the power of a contract signed by a right-wing chairman. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is thinking about what to do with the position of minister they are not interested in. It seems that the Jewish House understood that they would have to give up the position of minister in favor of MK Nir Orbach.

However, Bennett’s old party does not intend to give up the post without compensation, and demands in the negotiations an “achievement” for religious Zionism or settlement. It is possible that the Jewish home still did not understand that the end of the Gabayim party had come a long time ago, and thought that a good return could strengthen their invisible power. There are two holes in the Jewish home version. First, Bennett can at any moment appoint a settlement minister on his behalf, what exactly is the power that an invisible party has? Second, even if Bennett commits to some achievement, who will record it to their credit and what will prevent him from taking the credit?

Meanwhile, Nir Auerbach can celebrate the failure of the Jewish home. The term murder and also inheritance as if written for the relationship between him and the party. After running for party leadership at the beginning of 2021 on behalf of Bennett and losing to Hagit Moshe, not only did Orbach find himself on the right-wing list for the Knesset and accept the Knesset committee, he is also expected to be Hagit Moshe’s Minister of Settlement, or in other words. Meanwhile, Auerbach continues from the Knesset to find budgets for religious Zionism and to function as the actual Minister of Settlement, Bennett who did not visit the settlements for many months, the settlement is less disturbing.

Where is my son

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz came with a sour face to the current government but tried to comfort the citizens by coming to work and change, meanwhile apart from the inflated pensions he gave IDF officers Gantz’s flagship legislation stuck for many months. The defense minister, who leans on the RAAM faction, cannot decide on IDF policy freely and at the mercy of the Abbas group.

Photo: David Cohen / Flash90

His flagship initiative, the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the purchase of the submarines and vessels, is not in sight either, although before the budget they promised that the issue would be promoted immediately afterwards. Ganz insists that the issue will be addressed very soon, and the Bennett environment is telling me about negotiations on a variety of controversial issues. In the Knesset corridors one begins to wonder if Ganz is delaying with the commission of inquiry as part of the flirtation with Netanyahu, on the other hand it seems that Ganz and his party are polite, and while Ram’s electricity law or Saar’s Netanyahu laws are advancing rapidly, the defense minister is stuck.

shadow of

Not only did the right-wing party manage with a few seats to find a work arrangement for many on the list, including prime minister. While Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked is embroiled with Interior Committee chairman Walid Taha with every right-wing bill, a new Tikva party has taken full control of the Ministry of Education. , New hope completely dominates all ministry matters. To their credit, it has been said that in the meantime, the opposition also says that they are well represented and treated by the party in matters of education.

a new hope

New Hope Photo: Olivier Fitoussi / FLASH90


Hope you forgive me but I have your confession. I am writing these lines almost two days after the stabbing attack in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood of Jerusalem. I am convinced that terrorist attacks are bad and thanks to us for this country, but the pursuit of condemnation already seems ridiculous. An MK from the right-wing faction who will deal with important issues during an attack and therefore will not find time to tweet in five minutes for condemnation, will be shared on the net by government opponents. Of hours from the moment of the attack, only that “he who does not condemn immediately betrays.”

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