The earth is witnessing a wonderful scene on the night of December know…

by time news

(MENAFN- Khaberni)

Tell me – sky stargazers will have a date on the night of December 13-14 to witness a wonderful view when the earth’s atmosphere will rain the most intense and magnificent meteor shower in the northern hemisphere.

It is expected that the “Jemnid” and “Ursid” meteor shower will reach its peak between December 14 and December 22, respectively, according to what was reported by the press office of the Planetarium in Moscow.

The ‘Jumnid’ is considered one of the strongest annual meteor showers, and appears in the sky from December 4 to 17 each year. This meteor shower has been given another title, ‘the king of meteor showers’.

The meteor shower consists of small particles that were thrown by the asteroid 3200
into space, causing our Earth to pass through a cloud of meteorites.

On the night of December 13-14, astronomers expect meteor shower activity to peak. The meteor emission area is located near the constellation Gemini, according to Russia Today.

According to the forecasts of the International Meteorite Station (IMO), the number of meteors is likely to reach 150 meteors per hour. The ‘Jumnid’ meteors will be white and bright. And it can fall a lot, but the conditions for monitoring the “Jumnid” in 2022 are not favorable because the moon is approaching the last quarter of its homes, which impedes the monitoring of meteors.
The Planetarium said that the average speed of the meteor stream will be low and will not exceed 35 km / sec.

These bright meteors were discovered in the nineteenth century, and some believe that their source is the asteroid Phaeton.
Therefore, meteors can include pieces the size of a fist, and their speed reaches 35 km / sec. They burn when they penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere, which generates a bright light.

As for the Phaethon asteroid, which is the source of this meteor shower, it is large in size and revolves around the sun a full cycle within 1.5 years.

While the Orsid meteor showers will reach their peak, on the longest night of the year, that is, from December 21 to 22 next. And it will only be seen in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and the meteor shower will start on December 17 and end on December 27.

Among other astronomical events for the month of December, the eclipse of Mars over the moon, and it will coincide with the encounter of Mars and the full moon, and the operations of covering the planets by the moon are often short-term, as the eclipse period does not exceed one hour.


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