The Ebra press group plans to use ChatGPT to edit the texts of its local correspondents

by time news

2023-10-25 10:18:50

Couple Klara Durand

Published yesterday at 7:42 p.m., Updated now

the ChatGPT conversational robot. irissca /

The management and chief editorial staff of L’Est Républicain-Vosges Matin wish to experiment with the use of this tool with editorial secretaries.

Could ChatGPT one day replace journalists? This question has been on the minds of professionals in the field for months. In fact, the conversational robot is capable of producing and modifying texts in a few seconds. A feature that did not escape the regional daily press group, Ebra.

According to a press release from the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), the management of two titles held by the group, The Republican East et Vosges Morning, must soon set up an experiment on the use of this tool. The objective is for editorial secretaries to rework with ChatGPT the texts written by their local correspondents. The latter, who cover the distribution territory of regional dailies, help to collect and pass on field information to the editorial offices close to where they live.


A Social and Economic Committee (CSE) is taking place this Thursday, October 26 in Nancy with, on the agenda, a consultation on ChatGPT in the presence of elected officials from the trade union organizations of Est Républicain-Vosges Matin. The management and editor-in-chief will present the experiment they wish to implement. “ From what we already know, the management would like the editorial secretaries to give instructions to ChatGPT so that it corrects and shortens the texts of local correspondents“, explain au Figaro Éric Barbier, the union representative of the SNJ at the Republican East.

The latter says he is worried about this project: “Tomorrow, texts published in the newspaper could be rewritten by a robot. We know very well that this is a long-term threat to the profession of editorial secretary, he continues. We hope that this experiment will be the subject of a formal business project and that safeguards will be put in place.».

For his part, the president of the Ebra group, Philippe Carli, believes that before condemning this new tool, “we must master it within a framework set by man and it is in this approach that we imagined this experiment», he explains au Figaro. «Syears to draw conclusions automatically as to the definitive uses that we will make of it».

Limit the use of this tool to proofreading and corrections

Thus, the general director Christophe Mahieu and the editor-in-chief from the Republican East, of Republican Lorraine and of Vosges Morning, Sébastien Georges, intend to limit the testing of this tool “ strict proofreading and corrections of content proposed by our local press correspondents», they detail in Figaro. «In this process, the choice, the hierarchy of information, the first and last proofreading as well as the final validation for publication will remain the responsibility of the journalists of our editorial staff.», Explain the two men. “Obviously, the journalist and editorial secretary can also modify this corrected content if this seems necessary and relevant to him.»

«The arrival of generative AI in editorial offices is inevitable and our objective is to anticipate it by testing the tools available in our information processing processes», judge Christophe Mahieu and Sébastien Georges.« It is a change of use, like the evolution towards digital, but that does not mean that such a tool will replace a journalist», agrees the president of the group, Philippe Carli.

The use of ChatGPT should be implemented in the weeks following the consultation, the opinion of the CSE and the social partners. “ The duration of this experiment will depend on the results obtained.», they conclude.


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