The editorial staff of the “Parisien” sends a “warning signal” to its management to defend its independence

by time news

In the end, for now, it will not be a motion of no confidence, but a ” alert message “ sent to the management of Parisian. “We have to go crescendo”analyze several editors and union representatives of the newspaper interviewed by The world. The Society of Journalists (SDJ), joined by the National Union of Journalists of the General Confederation of Labor (SNJ-CGT) and the General Union of Journalists of Force Ouvrière (SGJ-FO), had called for the holding of a new general meeting on Tuesday 4 April at midday, after that of Thursday 30 March.

The large attendance – up to 262 people present online and in the “Hub jardin” room of the Les Echos-Le Parisien Group on nearly 400 press cards – testifies to the “glaring malaise within the editorial staff”, say several participants. LDS members from Echos also took the floor to show their solidarity, when they had just seen their boss, Nicolas Barré, brutally ousted and the journalists of the economic daily saw the stranglehold of the CEO of Louis Vuitton-Moët Hennessy (LVMH), Bernard Arnault, who owns these dailies through his holding company, Financière Agache.

“Red lines” crossed

The text, validated almost unanimously (199 for, 17 abstentions and 3 against), denounces the fact that “red lines” have been crossed by the editorial management regarding “the underexposure of social movement coverage on pensions”. More generally, the editorial staff is concerned “for the respect of pluralism, for the independence of the title vis-à-vis any political, economic, ideological pressure” and tip “a partisan drift” you journal.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers At “Echos”, the editorial staff is on signature strike: “We are not fooled”

Journalists are therefore asking for a clarification of the editorial line of the Parisian and mandate the SDJ as well as the trade unions to meet management quickly in order to obtain guarantees of power “practice their profession serenely”. The deletion of editorials or the creation of an editorial independence committee are among the proposals of the LDS.

It is the editorial line favorable to the executive and less and less politically neutral that concentrates the criticism of editors

In an email sent to the editorial staff on Tuesday morning, just over an hour before the general assembly, the editorial director, Nicolas Charbonneau, defended his results at length and said he was ready to receive the new office of the SDJ to discuss , including ” worries “, ” doubts “, “and sometimes anger”, which are currently shaking the editorial staff. accused of having “trapped subjects” or “prohibits investigations”he justifies himself by writing that it is “happened not to say “OK” to such and such a subject and to discuss it”but ensures that refereeing is part of its function. “Nicolas Charbonneau is playing with words, he is denying reality there”says a union representative joined by The world.

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