The Effects and Addiction of Energy Drinks: A Tiktok Experiment by Zoofie Ljung

by time news

Zoofie Ljung, a 31-year-old woman from Sweden, has gained popularity on Tiktok for her energy drink reviews. With over 65,000 followers, Zoofie has become a prominent figure in the online energy drink community. However, her addiction to these beverages has raised concerns among her viewers and healthcare professionals.

Zoofie’s addiction first started when she used to commute to work by car. She would stop at a pub every morning to buy an energy drink. Now, she shares her experiences with different energy drink brands and flavors on Tiktok. In an interview with SVT, Zoofie admitted her addiction, saying, “I know that I am addicted to energy drinks. If you drink this amount, you are addicted.”

To cut down on costs, Zoofie started making her own “homemade” energy drinks from concentrate mixed with carbonated water using a Sodastreamer. She used to spend around five hundred bucks a week on energy drinks, a fact that her partner found unnecessary. However, with the help of the Sodastreamer, she has managed to reduce her expenses by about half.

Zoofie’s addiction to energy drinks has prompted doctors to advise her to consume less. Despite the health risks associated with excessive energy drink consumption, Zoofie claims to pay attention to her body’s reactions and regularly visits the doctor due to her diagnoses of fibromyalgia, a joint disease. She has never noticed any abnormalities in her health tests, leading her to believe that the drinks do not negatively affect her.

While Zoofie’s Tiktok page has gained popularity, it has also raised concerns among her younger followers. Nearly half of her followers are under the age of 18, prompting her to be mindful of how she presents her addiction. Zoofie emphasizes that she does not want to promote consumption among young people and is cautious about her choice of words.

The effects of energy drinks on the body can vary from person to person. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to sleep problems, headaches, anxiety, dizziness, and heart palpitations. Consuming large amounts of caffeine can even cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is important for children and teenagers to be particularly cautious, as they can experience these symptoms from small amounts of caffeine.

Although energy drinks often contain other substances such as taurine and certain amino acids, current research does not indicate that these ingredients harm health in the amounts typically found in these drinks, according to the Swedish Food Agency.

For Zoofie, starting her day with an energy drink is a crucial part of her routine. She even requests her partner to get her a Monster energy drink if he wakes up before her. If she goes without energy drinks for a whole day, she experiences symptoms such as feeling “off” and having a mild headache. However, she does not experience serious withdrawal effects.

In a surprising turn of events, one energy drink that Zoofie recently reviewed on Tiktok caused chaos among her followers. The drink sold out in just three minutes after she shared her thoughts on it, showcasing her influence within the energy drink community.

While Zoofie enjoys sharing her passion for energy drinks on Tiktok, she is fully aware of the responsibility she holds as an influencer. She takes caution in expressing herself to avoid promoting unhealthy consumption among young people.

Zoofie’s journey with energy drinks serves as a reminder of the potential health risks associated with excessive consumption. It is important for individuals, especially young people, to be mindful of their caffeine intake and seek healthier alternatives for energy and hydration.

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Zoofie Ljung August 3, 2023 - 3:13 pm

I’m 30. Not 31.

Zoofie August 3, 2023 - 3:18 pm

And you really need to check your facts. You’ve posted a lot that is not true. For example – I didn’t stop at a pub. I stopped at a gas station. It’s not 500 BUCKS.. it’s 500 SEK – around 50 bucks in other words.

I’ve never reviewed a drink which sold out right after my post.. you’ve made a lot of stuff up!


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