The effects of the hit series of Netflix on the discourse on the networks

by time news

For example, the impact that the series Stranger Things had and the popularity of Kate Bush’s songs, very close to the broadcast of the series. Kate Bush’s song appeared in the fourth season of the series “Strange Things”. The song received a very high exposure on YouTube before the series was revealed on July 26, 2022. The Cyabra company conducted a test to what extent the rise of the series affected the singer’s popularity in the network. She limited the testing to up to two weeks before the upload of her song to Netflix and two weeks after the appearance of the song, i.e. a period of one month. On the Twitter social network alone, 1,900 profiles participated in the discourse around Kate Bush and they created 2,000 pieces of content around her. The conclusion is that in the three days from the date of the episode of the series that included her song, there was a 535% increase in the conversation on the network about the singer.

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