the eight dates that marked the pandemic –

by time news

2023-05-05 16:41:09

Of Claudius Del Frate

The first outbreak in Wuhan, the lockdowns. And then the arrival of the virus in Italy, the first deaths, the red areas. Up to the hope generated by the beginning of the vaccination campaigns.

They date back to late 2019 in China the first signs of the Covid emergency that for over three years he held the entire planet in check and which today the WHO declared to be outdated. The dead, the collapsing hospitals, the lockdowns. And then the slow ascent and above all the hopes generated by the vaccine. Until the return to normal. Here are the dates that marked the more than three years of the pandemic.

* December 31, 2019: the first cases – The Chinese authorities communicate the existence of an outbreak of pneumonia of still unknown origin. The epicenter is the city of Wuhan, 6 and a half million inhabitants. The first hypotheses indicate that the epidemic started from the city market area, perhaps transmitted to man by live animals.

* January 20, 2020: Virus identified – A few days after the first cases appeared, Chinese researchers isolate the virus and reconstruct its RNA, unknown until then. In those same days the disease is baptized with the name that the whole world will soon learn to know: Coronavirus disease 2019, or Covid-19.

* January 23, 2020: the Wuhan lockdown – Not knowing how to stem the contagion, China resorts to a drastic measure, which the West learns with amazement. In the city of Wuhan, the inhabitants are confined to their homes, economic activities reduced to a minimum. the lockdown, immortalized by the ghostly images of deserted cities arriving from China.

* February 20, 2020: the emergency in Italy – A patient with symptoms of pneumonia presents itself at the Codogno hospital (Lodi): a 38-year-old man, Mattia Maestri. He will be the first patient to be officially diagnosed with the new disease. The virus triggers a chain reaction: outbreaks are identified in Vo’ Euganeo in Veneto but above all in the province of Bergamo. On 8 March the Italian government – first in Europe – was forced to trigger the lockdown throughout the national territory.

* March 11, 2020: WHO declares a pandemic – The contagion spreads like wildfire across the planet, until the WHO is forced to declare Covid a planetary emergency. There are already 4,200 dead, 114 countries affected. Testing, isolating, tracing are the indications that the organization provides to governments in the absence of any other remedy.

* December 27, 2020: vaccinations start – After months of trials in almost all the countries of the European Union, including Italy, a vaccination campaign is starting which the vast majority of the population will join. Just a week earlier, the EMA, the European medicines authority, gave the go-ahead to two vaccines developed by Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna. By April 2023, over 13 billion doses will have been administered worldwide.

* March 31, 2022: end of the emergency in Italy – In Italy the end of the state of emergency due to Covid is proclaimed; this was adopted by the government on 31 January 2020: an intermediate phase begins which will lead until 31 December 2022 to the progressive return of all the restrictions still in force. In two years Italy – like other countries – had experienced the regime of the red, orange or yellow zones, had kept an eye on the Civil Protection bulletins every day, had gotten used to using masks and green passes with the aim of returning to normality.

* May 5, 2023: end of the emergency – With a statement that had been in the air for days, the WHO declares the Covid emergency to be over, which from now on becomes a disease with which it will be possible to live with, thanks to vaccines.

May 5, 2023 (change May 5, 2023 | 19:52)

#dates #marked #pandemic

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