The “election train” is gone. Tomorrow the apocalypse? – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-08-14 01:36:43

Two “ eminent “passengers are missing in the” election train which left the “quay” on Saturday August 12, 2023. It is “Joseph Kabilaand the FCC (Common Front for Congo) and Martin Fayulu Madidi and ECIDé. Will the former head of state – with the support of his mentors Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni – take the lead of a ” armed resistance » ?

Those who still had doubts have undoubtedly understood that the Ceni (Independent National Electoral Commission) has set the fateful course towards the elections. ” The election train is on. Nothing can stop him “, declared, last May, the Rapporteur Patricia Nseya Mulela.

Slowly but surely the Electoral Center continues to execute its timetable. On the site, all useful information on political parties and groups is available to the public. The same applies to candidates for national deputy. These are of course the provisional lists.


We are now entering the litigation phase for both the organizations and the unsuccessful candidates. On September 5, the Ceni will publish the final lists of national MP candidates selected.

Last mid-June, Kabila received a few executives from his party, the PPRD (People’s Party). He urged his comrades to “resistance”. forthcoming political consultations.In addition to a new external audit of the electoral register, the former President believes that everything should be reformed or recomposed: the office of the Ceni, the judges of the Constitutional Court, the electoral law.

Martin Fayulu demanded, in vain, a new external audit of the electoral register. In a recent statement, he assured his readiness to file his candidacy as soon as the necessary is done in this direction. Like a fool’s market, the Ensemble of Moïse Katumbi, the Envol of Delly Sessanga and the LGD of Matata Ponyo submitted the candidacies of their members. Fayulu seems caught in his own trap.


During the aforementioned month of June, “Kabila” had announced that he was going to address the nation. The announcement itself is an event on the part of a man reputed to be stingy with words. He will speak to say what? Two months later, the ex-raïs remains as usual: silent. Talk to ? Will not speak? As nature abhors a vacuum, sketchy information indicates that Mzee’s successor may have begun to “vacuum” his family members. For what ?

According to a source who requested anonymity, Mzee’s successor intends to deploy all means to disrupt the next elections in general and the presidential one in particular. ” A way to punish Felix Tshisekedi who passes in his eyes for a traitor“, remarks an FCC deputy. According to our interlocutor, this opinion is shared by Kagame who would follow with apprehension the work of dismantling the ” Rwandan networks by “Fatshi”. These allowed the Rwandan leader to extend his tentacles over the main bodies of the Congolese State (Administration, army, police, intelligence services). And therefore facilitate the plunder of the Congo’s resources.

Flashback. Since the seizure of power in Kigali by the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) in July 1994, relations between Congo-Kinshasa and Rwanda have continued to deteriorate. The new master of the Pays de Mille Collines criticizes Mobutu’s Zaire for having brought aid to the regime of Juvénal Habyarimana in October 1990 but also for having granted “ hospitality to Hutu fugitives collectively referred to as genocidists ».

For Kagame and his Inkotanyi, it was necessary at all costs to install a ” diet friend in Kinshasa. ” A regime that does not threaten the national security of Rwanda“, declared Patrick Mazhimaka who directed the ” Congo office in charge of managing the loot. This objective will be achieved momentarily with the AFDL (Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo) which installs Laurent-Désiré Kabila at the head of the former Zaire. The AFDL, a brainchild of the Kagame-Museveni duo. On January 16, 2001, LD Kabila was assassinated in conditions not yet elucidated.

To everyone’s surprise, the Mzee was succeeded by a certain general-major “ Joseph Kabila “. The investiture takes place on January 26 of the same year. Close to Kagame and Yoweri Museveni, the new Congolese president had the greatest contempt for the ” democratic elections ». In 2006 and 2011, blood was spilled in two election cycles.


In September 2016, Zoé “Kabila” created the event by declaring that her siblings did not intend to cede power to anyone. The second term of his brother President was to expire on December 19 of that year. We have witnessed bloody repression of peaceful demonstrations. The demonstrators were only asking for respect for the Constitution. Rossy Tshimanga Mukendi, Thérèse Kapangala are names that symbolize the barbarity of the “Kabila system”.

In April 2018, eight months before the presidential election, Daniel Mulunda Ngoy Nyanga, former president of the Ceni, a faithful among the faithful of ” Kabila », is invited to Télé50 directed by the kabilophile Jean-Marie Kassamba. He will also be invited to the media “ B One by Jean-Pierre Mutamba.

Mulunda has an unequivocal message: “ What is the use of going to elections to plunge back into a crisis? “. And to add: My problem is peace. Peace is more important”. He concludes : “ I see trouble looming on the horizon “. Translation : “ Kabila will cede power only to the winner of the presidential election who will have grace in his eyes. Otherwise, it will be necessary to pass over his corpse.

And if “Joseph Kabila” was busy remaking this story by discreetly preparing chaos? ” During the transfer of power with Felix Tshisekedi, on January 24, 2019, Joseph Kabila saw himself as Putin leaving the presidential chair momentarily to a Medvedev…sums up an observer of Congolese politics. Tomorrow the Apocalypse?




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#election #train #Tomorrow #apocalypse #Independent #Congo

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