The Electoral Board warns of possible duplicate votes due to the elimination of the requested vote

by time news

Las regional and municipal elections of 28M are just around the corner and come with a novelty: the suspension of the requested vote. This form of suffrage is intended for Spanish permanent residents abroad, who request the documentation to exercise their right and it arrives at their home. Now, with the new reform -approved by PSOE and Podemos in 2022- they will no longer have to sue it and, directly, it will reach their home.

As warned by the Central Electoral Board (JCE), this new measure could create a duplicity in votes. The process to do so would be as follows: an emigrant voter votes abroad by mail for the first time and, later, does so again in Spain in person during election day on May 28.

In this sense, the Government Delegate in the Community of Madrid, Francis Martin, visited the La Garena logistics center in Madrid this Wednesday, April 5. When asked about this possible duplicity, he assured that both the Ministry of the Interior and the Central Electoral Board “will be in charge of ensuring that this does not happen.” In addition, he has highlighted that, with the actions of both organizations, it is intended to preserve “all the guarantees so that each citizen can vote once.”

“I want to transmit all the confidence in this new system that comes to facilitate the participation of those citizens who have it more complicated”

“I want to transmit all the confidence in this new system that comes to facilitate the participation of those citizens who have it more complicated. Whenever an innovation occurs, doubts and fears arise, but I believe that this step will make it easier“, he highlighted in his meeting with the media. In addition, the Government delegate in Madrid – a position he holds after the departure of Mercedes González – recalled that from April 4 to May 18 you can request a vote by mail in the different post offices.

On the other hand, during his tour, Francisco Martín has reviewed the hard material that is inside the warehouse for the next local elections: urns and booths. As he explained, these elections will have 7,100 polling stations spread over 1,100 locations.

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