The Electoral Board withdraws the seat of Laura Borràs after her conviction for falsehood and prevarication

by time news

2023-05-03 23:16:34

The Central Electoral Board (JEC) prepares the withdrawal of the seat of the president of Junts, Laura Borràsin the Parliament of Catalonia and issue the credential of Antoni Castellà, the next on the list of the independence party, as confirmed to Europa Press by sources familiar with the resolution.

With this decision and the withdrawal of the seat from Borràs, we proceed to his relief as deputy and as president of Parliament, as the PP, Vox and Ciudadanos had claimed. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia sentenced Laura Borràs to four and a half years in prison and 13 years of disqualification for splitting contracts when he was running the Catalan Letters Institute (ILC).

The sentence sentenced her for the crimes of prevarication and documentary falsification and the TSJC proposed a partial pardon that reduces the prison sentence to no more than two years, so that he would not have to go to jail. In a resolution published on April 13, The JEC has already taken the first step to withdraw the seat in Borràssuspended president of the Catalan Parliament, having been convicted of a crime that makes her ineligible for the position.

Although the sentence is not final

In it, the arbitration body recalled the precedent of former Catalan president Quim Torra, who in 2021 also lost his seat after being disqualified by a court ruling. So he granted ten days to Parliament to inform him of the decisions he has made in this regard after the conviction of the Junts leader, whom he invited to present allegations.

Although the sentence is not yet final, the PP, Vox and Ciudadanos they asked to be removed the seat since a conviction for crimes against the public administration is a “cause of supervening ineligibility”, as established by the Electoral Law (LOREG).

For his part, the lawyer for the president of Junts, Gonzalo Boye, regretted this Wednesday that several media outlets published this Wednesday night that the Central Electoral Board will notify Borràs on Thursday of his disqualification. “I see that the JEC uses the same notification system that has been used throughout the process against Laura Borràs… the press”, he ironized in a message on Twitter.

#Electoral #Board #withdraws #seat #Laura #Borràs #conviction #falsehood #prevarication

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