“The embassy has ideological affinity with the Chinese government”: Sergio Cabrera

by time news

2023-06-12 05:00:00

China is accentuating its presence in Colombia and the works of the Bogotá Metro, the 80 in Medellín and the presence of Chinese mining companies in municipalities of Antioquia, such as Buriticá, are just some of the examples of the investment that is coming from that geography from Asia to the country.

These ties have become so close that the Asian power invested 265.6 million dollars in our country in 2022, numbers that could increase with the constant meetings between businessmen from both nations that are taking place with the mediation of embassies.

One of the participants in this link is the Colombian ambassador to China, Sergio Cabrera, who spoke with EL COLOMBIANO about the agenda of the president, Gustavo Petro, with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping. Petro is preparing a state visit for October and Cabrera is convinced that binational relations are at an “exceptional” moment due to the ideological closeness of both governments.

These are his notes on that strategic relationship that crosses 15,507 kilometers of the Atlantic.

What is the main mission entrusted to you by the president, Gustavo Petro, when he appointed you as ambassador?

“It is the first time that the ambassador and, therefore, the Embassy, ​​have a political affinity, an ideological affinity with the Chinese government. Until now, in the relationship between China and Colombia, there has not been a government with a leftist position and I think that this favors the relationship, that allows the view we have of China, which has traditionally been very commercial, to vary a bit.

There is a Chinese saying that is a question that says: ‘What is the best time to plant a tree?’ The first answer is 20 years ago, that is, we are late, and the second moment is right now. I am trying to plant a tree so that in 20 years there will be a different relationship flow, that is not just selling and buying”.

You said that the time change between China and Colombia is the least complicated part of being an ambassador there. What has been the most complex?

“So far there has been nothing complicated. Relations between Colombia and China are excellent and, really, an ambassador has complications when relations deteriorate for some reason. This is not the case. Relationships are going through, perhaps, their best moment. There is an attitude of China towards Colombia that is very attractive, 112 Chinese companies are working on very important projects and their presence in the country has grown a lot”.

The former president, Iván Duque, traveled to open the relationship, but with President Gustavo Petro that link is being strengthened. In what way are bilateral relations strengthening?

“When President Iván Duque came to China, the possibility of Colombia joining the Belt and Road memorandum was discussed. During his government, that memorandum was analyzed, studied by the 17 organizations between decentralized ministries and institutes, but I don’t know why when everything was ready to sign, it was not signed. So, with the arrival of the new government, he had to repeat the entire process. We are waiting for a decision to be made in this regard, I imagine it will be very soon. That, in principle, would be the most important step that would be taken in the relationship between China and Colombia.”

There is talk of a visit by President Petro to China…

“For President Petro’s birthday, President Xi Jinping sent him a congratulatory letter inviting him to a state visit, which is the greatest privilege that can be offered to a head of state or government. We are working on preparing for that visit, which would be this year.”

When, in what month, is Petro’s visit to Xi Jinping going to be?

“The date has not been set. It would be at the end of September or mid-October because the first of October is the Chinese national holiday, which is a very important moment for the country”.

Is the plan for Colombia to join the Belt and Road?

“That is a government decision. All we can do is wait. This initiative would be very interesting for Colombia, but of course it is not a treaty, it is simply adhering to a group of mutual relations that offers many prospects for cooperation”.

What factors demonstrate the level of penetration of China in Colombia?

“Chinese businessmen like legal certainty, that projects are not granted by hand as in other Latin American countries where this is allowed by the Constitution, also the geographical position and that we have a population that no others have. There are businessmen looking for Colombian partners to generate new projects and for the country it is important to have that cooperation and that commercial penetration of China in Colombia”.

One of those companies is the consortium that will build the Bogotá Metro. At the Embassy, ​​have you discussed whether this project should be reconsidered so that it is underground, as the president wants it to be?

“No. At the Embassy we are aware of the news published by the press, but the issue of the way and methods used to build the subway are not part of the Embassy’s interests because that is a contract between a private Chinese company , it is not even a state company, and the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá. Since I’ve been here, the subject has never been touched on”.

In international relations there is already talk of a possibly bipolar or multipolar world. Could Colombia’s proximity to China affect the relationship with the United States?

“The Chinese government always says that it is very interested in a multipolar world, that is not one of two or three powers, but that the sovereignty of the countries is respected and each one has the possibility of making their own decisions. I have been in meetings with senior Chinese officials where they very emphatically say that China has no interest in harming or altering Colombia’s relations with the United States.”

President Petro defends the banner of Human Rights, but the Chinese Government is accused of violating them. Does this factor affect the binational agenda?

“I don’t think that affects the relationship because Colombia is obliged to respect the Chinese position on its issues. I do not think that this is a topic of discussion and conflict between the two countries”.

How is your management articulating the cultural field, which is where you have worked?

“For three years the cultural part has been practically in a coma due to the pandemic. There is a lot of interest in China for Latin America and specifically for Colombia. It is a country that they identify with culture because of our artists, singers, painters, writers. My intention is to try to increase this cultural exchange between the two countries”.

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