The end of the government? Judea and Samaria regulations will not be extended

by time news

Discrimination against the coalition: The bill to extend the emergency regulations in Judea and Samaria fell today (Monday) in a vote in the Knesset plenum, with a majority of 58 opponents compared to 52 supporters. The vote fell with the opposition of Knesset members Balance of scoundrels And a Member of the Knesset Jida Rinawi Zoabi. The other members of the RAAM party were not present in the plenum, while the Knesset member Edith Silman Chose not to vote.

The discrimination may decide the fate of the government following the ultimatum issued by the new chairman of Tikva and the Minister of Justice Gideon Saar. This is the first reading, with the law due to be passed by June 30.

As stated, as stated, MK Balance of scoundrels Voted against, contrary to the coalition vote and provoked a storm in the plenum. Member of Knesset Nir Orbach Valid: “You do not want to be a partner, the experiment with you has failed.”

Voting on the Judea and Samaria Law, Video: Knesset Channel

Earlier, the coalition considered turning the vote into a no-confidence motion, because on the one hand such a vote could give RAAM a ladder to “come down from the tree” and support trust and the law, and on the other hand, it could cause MK Idit Silman to vote no and against the law. The right-wing party has “material” in an attempt to declare it retired. Finally, it was decided that the Judea and Samaria Law would remain an ordinary law, while the vote to appoint Matan Kahana again as Minister of Religions would become distrustful.

Just before the vote, the coalition encountered another difficulty when MK Gilad Karib of the Labor Party was diagnosed as positive to Corona. The Likud responded positively to the coalition’s request for offsetting.

In presenting the law, Minister Saar said: “The security of the citizens of Judea and Samaria and the citizens of Israel in general requires the passage of the law. The responsibility of every elected public will be examined at this time, regardless of his political affiliation and political worldview. Unfortunately, we are striving. “

Gideon Saar in the plenum (Photo: Danny Shem Tov, Noam Moskowitz, Knesset Spokeswoman)

“I propose to extend its validity for another five years, no changes have been made to the wording of the regulations. There are crucial moments in democracy – this moment is crucial because it defines whether anything can be a political tool? To completely crush the legal system in Judea and Samaria is unforgivable. “The citizens of Israel will not be forgiven for doing so – from Bibi to Tibi,” he said.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett He said before the vote: “In the first week they said we would not finish the week, in the first month they said we would not finish the month. Now we are celebrating a year of growth, low unemployment, and security in the Gaza Strip and we will go through that too.”

Prime Minister Bennett in preparation for the vote to extend the Judea and Samaria regulations, Yaki Adamkar Walla!

At the same time, the National Insurance Institute clarified that even if regulations in the settlements do not pass. The law still puts Israeli residents in Judea and Samaria under the National Insurance Law and they are entitled to benefits.

The coalition claimed before the vote that even if the law does not pass tonight, it will be put to a vote again. And also tend to think that Gideon Saar will not overthrow the government over it, despite the sharp messages he has conveyed recently. Also, due to the preoccupation with a new position of hope and Gideon Saar’s intentions, events and right-wing organizations have fallen off the agenda, with officials saying that at least one right-wing MK has spoken out in recent days about his intention to resign from the coalition if the regulations are not approved.

Ahead of the dramatic vote, this morning MK Ghanaim was interviewed on the radio station “Makhan” and hinted at how he would vote tonight: “If the government falls apart it will be the problem of Saar and Bennett. Everyone will see how I vote. “He added that” Kahana would be ashamed to speak like Eli Cohen and ministers in this government. “Auerbach and Kara rejoice every time someone says we should be sent to Arab countries.”

Also a member of the Shura Council and a list of RAAM Atia Al-Assam Referring to tonight’s vote, in an interview with Radio Gali Israel, he said: “Is the end of the road of the Prime Minister? This is also the end of the road of the government. If the Prime Minister leaves the government, she will fall. Occupied land, I do not know if Israeli law should apply to this land. ” In contrast, the coalition is actually squinting for support from the opposition, when the minister Karin Elharar Called on 103FM for the Likud party to support the proposal: “What should guide it is not cheap politics but the public interest.” She even called on all coalition members to support it, even if it was “against things they strongly believe in.”

Chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, He said at the faction meeting that the coalition would be able to overcome any situation that arose. I hope people understand that it is very important to pass the regulations. “I expect the heads of the Yesha Council to demand that Netanyahu support the regulations.” He signed his remarks by saying that he “believes that in the end we will pass the regulations of Judea and Samaria.”

Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: screenshot from the Knesset channel)Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: screenshot from the Knesset channel)

The coalition considered declaring a vote of confidence in the government

Last night, members of the RAAM faction gathered to discuss how to vote. Chairman of the RAAM Mansour Abbas He said over the weekend in an interview with Radio a-Nas: “I could have long ago disbanded the coalition and emerged a Palestinian national hero, but I am a responsible leader who cares about the future of Arab society and Israeli society as a whole.” He further said that the decision to be made will be binding on all members of the faction.

The coalition therefore considered declaring the vote today as a vote of confidence in the government to oblige all members of the RAAM faction to support the vote, but withdrew from the decision. Summary of the transfer of NIS 200 million to assist the locality of Jisr a-Zarqa. The agreement was reached at a meeting between MK Walid Taha, chairman of the Ra’am faction, and the director general of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, Naama Schultz, and senior officials from the local authority in Jisr a-Zarqa. “If RAAM leads to the dissolution of the coalition, all its achievements will go down the drain,” a senior coalition official said last night.

Chairman of Ra'am Mansour Abbas (Photo: Yonatan Zindel)Chairman of Ra’am Mansour Abbas (Photo: Yonatan Zindel)

About two weeks ago, the Finance Committee approved the transfer of NIS 740 million, which was promised to RAAM as part of a five-year plan for the Arab sector.

As I recall a new Tikva chairman and Justice Minister Gideon Saar warned last week that the vote today would be “a test of whether the coalition wants to exist or does not want to exist. This vote will see it, ”which was immediately interpreted as a threat to dismantle the coalition in case the law is not passed. Regarding Saar’s intentions, the same sources say that “Saar is not interested in overthrowing the government. He is working hard for the regulations to pass. And if this law does not pass this week, we will bring it up again next week.”

Naftali Bennett and Gideon Saar in the Knesset Plenum (Photo: Olivia Fitoussi, Flash 90)Naftali Bennett and Gideon Saar in the Knesset Plenum (Photo: Olivia Fitoussi, Flash 90)

A year for the Bennett-Lapid government: a crisis that pursues a crisis

  • June 2021 – MK Amichai Shikli (right) voted against the formation of the Bennett-Lapid government at the time of her inauguration.
  • July 2021 – The coalition failed to pass the Citizenship Law, after MK Shikli objected and two MKs from Ra’am were absent.
  • February 2022 Blue and White has announced that it will not participate in the voting because of the damage to IDF pensions.
  • February 2022 – Minister Eli Avidar (Yisrael Beiteinu) resigned from the government and returned to serve in the Knesset.
  • April 2022 – MK Idit Silman (right) resigned from the coalition. The government lost the majority in the Knesset.
  • April 2020RAAM froze its activities in the coalition, but following the decision of the Shura Council decided to give the coalition “another chance”.
  • May 2022 – MK Jida Rinawi Zoabi (Meretz) announced her resignation from the coalition, but withdrew in exchange for a series of promises.
Meeting of Yair Lapid and Jida Rinawi Zoabi (Photo: None)Meeting of Yair Lapid and Jida Rinawi Zoabi (Photo: None)
  • May 2022 A wave of celibacy in the Prime Minister’s Office.
  • May 2022 – MK Michael Bitton (blue and white) announced that he would not participate in the votes, except for no confidence, due to his opposition to public transport reform and agriculture reform.
  • June 2022 – An ultimatum from Minister Gideon Saar (New Hope), after the coalition has difficulty obtaining a majority to extend the emergency regulations in Judea and Samaria.

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