The end of the systematic printing of the receipt postponed to April 1

by time news

This measure of the “anti-waste and circular economy” law passed in 2020 was initially to come into force on January 1.

The end of the systematic printing of receipts, planned in France from January 1, 2023, will finally come into force on April 1, according to an implementing decree published Thursday in the Official Journal. The law “anti-waste and circular economy», voted in 2020, planned to put an end to the printing of the receipt at the end of a commercial transaction, unless explicitly requested by the customer, in order to reduce the production of waste. But since this law, high inflation, particularly on prices in supermarkets, has made it more frequent for consumers to consult the receipt.

«The context explains this decision“, added this source, referring to”feedback from distributors and consumer associations indicating that the receipt remains for many French people an important element in checking the prices of products purchased, in the face of inflation“. Another important element for traders, they “did not know the precise provisions of the terms and conditions for issuing the ticket“For lack of publication of the decree of application of the measure, intervened this Thursday, underlined the cabinet of Olivia Grégoire. Waiting for April ensures “long enough for them to adapt“, we clarified.

Associations for the maintenance of receipts

ADEIC, AFOC, ALLDC, CNAFAL, CNAFC, CSF, Familles de France, FNAUT, Familles Rurales, INDECOSA-CGT, UFC-Que Choisir and Unaf, i.e. twelve of the fifteen member associations of the joint advisory body that is the National Consumer Council, had then published a rare joint press release to demand that the printing of the receipt be “systematically proposedto the consumer.

«We’re not coming back» on the end of the systematic printing of the receipt, «the measure remains important to accelerate the ecological transition“, we answer the office of Olivia Grégoire. According to this source, each year nearly 30 billion slips are printed, most of them ending up in the trash while their small size makes them “difficult to collect and recycle“. Postponing the entry into force of the measure will make it possible to “communicate on the fact that the consumer will be able to obtain his receipt if he wishesand if he requests it from the merchant. This will be important especially in case of doubt on the final bill, or in case of exchange of a gift for example.

SEE ALSO – Book: the long and fascinating history of the metro ticket

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