The “energúmeno” style in political communication

by time news

2023-08-18 00:19:13

Notes to understand the media “laboratory” deployed in Argentina

Due to its tradition of struggle, its achievements in education and culture, its enormous humanist, scientific and cultural contributions, it surprises and hurts that in Argentina the antipodes of the national and popular spirit that has most inspired and mobilized it prosper. Some called it “the Athens of America” ​​and it is not false that in recent decades its economic-political advances have made it an obligatory reference for many fronts of struggle. What happened? What’s going on?

The Argentine present is caged by the International Monetary Fund that gave an obscene “credit” to a no less obscene former president of the right. Argentina is trapped in the ravages of the pandemic, the effects of the war and one of the worst droughts in history. And especially she’s caught up in a very weak and erratic communication skills. Paradox of paradoxes in a town whose culture of communication has been a bulwark. And it is trapped by the capitalism that runs through the open veins of an economy that fails to be sovereign.

That is why the forms and ideas that are imposed with the prominence of the right and its candidates are more hateful. Deep self-criticism is demanded of all of us because this happens everywhere, right under our very noses and could lead us to a hell of looting and exploitation recharged by the furious style of the most predatory greed.

Let us explain to ourselves why in this activity, of economics and politics, which should be of deep collective reasoning, to solve everyone’s problems, some “politicians” became successful by yelling at us with ridiculous histrionics, fallacies, impostures, exaggerations and offenses.

The “exaltation” that plays a recurring role, as an ingredient, does not have an effect on everything, nor always, and we know that an oratory piece should never be a monotonous spectacle, with petty-bourgeois tantrums, convinced that this is how they attract attention and move the audience. interlocutors.

Childish tantrums now turned into electoral successes. How an unbearable discursive fashion was imposed, which is stubbornly repeated in electoral demagoguery, to subject us to episodes of exalted verbiage, injected with false anger and ripping gesticulations. Trump, Bolsonario, Milei and many more. Who told you that this is how we understand better?

The right has dedicated, without any restraint, bulk resources to form armies of “preachers” of class hatred whose primary semantic axis is to oppose everything that implies organized social will. They go furiously against the State, they vociferate theoretical rages against paying taxes, they rant with lightning bolts and sparks and shoot grudges and repudiation against any sense of community that is not theirs and that is not to benefit their businesses.

The hidden agenda of the angry and the haters is nothing other than the acceleration of the looting of raw materials and eternal labor slavery. At the price of inclement repression and disappearing all social rights earned.

Against all odds, in some countries the “little madman” of their politicians happens to be credible and distinctive of class. They are inspired by boss tantrums, by the “boss scolding” effect that puts more emphasis on the owner’s anger than on the problem to which it alludes.

This is bourgeois histrionics that serves to humiliate the listener while appearing to genuinely care about social problems and calamities. They feign occasional anger to lie to themselves and to us. They are disturbed and contorted to the rhythm of the inflamed verbiage with adjectives and insults. They stare, frown, rub their hands and smooth their hair… knowing that they are followed by the gazes, the cameras and the microphones that are their “audience” and their alter-ego in the act of masturbation dedicated to themselves in moralistic fury key.

What ideological “breeding ground” is necessary for the “success” of the maddening style? Without an advanced degree of individualism, histrionic demagogy is impossible. A lot of anti-politics is necessary, flourishing at ease in the history of each people, and the triumphant deployment of the media armies specialized in demoralizing everything that involves collective participation for the resolution of social problems is a necessary condition. The form defeating the background.

You can’t be simplistic, you shouldn’t. The successes of individualism are multifactorial confluence developed over a long time, on multiple scales and diverse presentations.

It is meticulous work, and in a network, which takes time and expense to wrap its victims with a “spider web” where the epic is the work of pure personal will, of the pure aesthetics of hatred of the collective and the morality of the ruling class experts in attacking any sign of organization at the grassroots.

Its success is the confluence of the systematic work of ideological domination in homes, schools, offices, churches, sports stadiums… where the resolution of vital enigmas has as its axis and dogma the individual alone facing his destiny.

In the victories of individualism is the scene of a very unequal deaf struggle that has advantages for decades and financial budgets at large. No successful individualism is possible without all the monumental ideological work mass media of cinema, literature, arts and religions… that give context and climate to the angry vociferations of their messiahs.

Decades and more decades have been assaulted by a plan of systematic destruction against the meaning of community life. Against the organization of the communities. The transnational architects and their cabotage accomplices have operated under our noses with total impudence and impunity, to make possible the emergence of their maddening catalysts, operating as sources of hatred and “discontent”, capable of seducing weariness, inconsolation, disappointment or revenge and turning them into in suicide vows. The victim who votes for her executioner.

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#energúmeno #style #political #communication

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