The enigma of the disappearance of the megalodon shark is cleared up

by time news

DECRYPTION – The giant teeth of this carnivore, one of the largest to have populated the planet, are at the center of research carried out by scientists to understand its extinction.

Otodus megalodon is one of the largest carnivores to have ever populated our planet, but like other animals of its size, such as the Tyrannosaurus rex, it is now only found in blockbuster films or comic strips. If fictions like comics Carthage or the movie In troubled waters maintain the myth of specimens of megalodons still living in remote areas of the oceans, scientists agree on the fact that this giant shark disappeared a little over 2.5 million years ago. However, the causes of this sudden disappearance are still debated. The works published Tuesday, May 31 in the journal Nature Communications by an international research team bring new clues to shed light on the mystery of the extinction of this shark with “giant teeth”.

It is these teeth, some of which barely fit in a human hand, that are at the center of the research carried out by Jeremy McCormack, researcher at…

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