The enormous potential of the Dakhla Oued Eddahhab region presented in Dakar

by times news cr

2024-07-25 02:50:38

Presiding over the official launch of this two-day event, the President of the Dakhla Oued Eddahab Region, Khettat Yenja, affirmed that Morocco has made the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab Region, in particular, and the southern regions of the Kingdom, in general, a territory, both attractive for investment and a commercial hub, facilitating access to the African market.

In this regard, Mr. Yenja, who is carrying out this economic tour at the head of a strong delegation from his region, indicated that “the vision of long-term socio-economic development of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region in Morocco is anchored in its advantageous geographical position, as a commercial and logistics hub for North and West Africa, and an entry point for regional and continental investments.”

The region’s main economic drivers, ranging from fisheries and agriculture to tourism and renewable energy, have seen notable growth in recent years, he noted.

The president of the region specified that the project register, for the coming years, includes the Atlantic port of Dakhla, the West African free zone and the largest wind farm in North Africa, recalling in this regard the importance of the decision of several countries to open consulates in Dakhla.

Inviting Senegalese investors to explore various opportunities and deposits, Mr. Yenja affirmed that the region provides them with a support system adapted to the revitalization of bilateral economic relations.

“The Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region aims for energy-liberating, homogeneous and inclusive economic relations with our Senegalese brothers,” he insisted, noting that “the objective is to contribute to propelling both our southern regions and our continent through levers generating sustainable growth, integrated development, involving all enterprising energies, in their variety and diversity and this, through a collective, assumed and responsible effort.”

He also stressed that Morocco, in accordance with the guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, pays particular attention to African countries and places cooperation with these countries among its priorities.

In this context, he said that the relationship between Morocco and Senegal constitutes the typical example, if not the most successful, of South-South cooperation, specifying that this relationship is mutually advantageous and based on the win-win principle.

Speaking at this ceremony, the ambassador of HM the King to Senegal, Mr. Hassan Naciri, for his part, stressed that the Dakhla Oued Eddahab Region, through its history, its present and its future, has always constituted and constitutes an obligatory and historical passage and a place of exchange and mixing between the Kingdom and its continental roots.

Mr. Naciri recalled that His Majesty the King affirmed in his Speech of November 6, 2019, that “our southern provinces constitute a real link between Morocco and the rest of Africa on the geographical, human and economic levels”, stressing that the Sahara constitutes Morocco’s gateway to Sub-Saharan Africa.

In this sense, the Moroccan diplomat noted that this role is today more than ever reinforced thanks to the development model initiated and desired by HM the King for the Moroccan Sahara region.

“This model calls, in accordance with the High Royal Guidelines, to consider a strategy for the integration of Morocco in Africa by adopting co-development as a mode of action to promote a mutually beneficial partnership in terms of economic development, sharing and solidarity,” he explained.

In this regard, he indicated that in addition to accelerated economic development, the city of Dakhla is at the epicenter of major structuring projects of national and international scope which are in a very advanced phase of implementation.

In this context, the Moroccan ambassador cited the Atlantic port project of Dakhla, with its logistical facilities, which aims to be a platform for exchange between the main port infrastructures of West Africa, in particular the Autonomous Port of Dakar and the future port of Ndayane.

“The same applies to the highway and expressway nearing completion, which extends over nearly 2,300 km, which will connect the Moroccan city of Tangier on the Mediterranean coast a stone’s throw from Spain, and the Moroccan-Mauritanian border via the city of Dakhla,” he added, noting that this infrastructure also constitutes a milestone of very high importance in the regional and continental integration project.

“In addition, there is an ultra-modern industrial hub that covers the entire phosphate value chain, a range of renewable energy offers and water desalination plants, among others,” explained Mr. Naciri, also citing the mega gas pipeline project that will connect Nigeria to Morocco and end in Europe, which crosses some 13 other countries along the Atlantic coasts of Dakar and Dakhla.

The meeting was also marked by a presentation by a manager of the Regional Investment Center (CRI) who detailed, with figures to support it, the remarkable development dynamics that the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region is experiencing in different areas, the major infrastructure projects to connect the territory and release its potential, the investment opportunities in this region and the advantages and facilities granted to investors and economic operators, as well as the role and missions of the CRI.

It took place in the presence of the Minister Advisor to Senegalese President Macky Sall, Mankeur Ndiaye, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAD) of Dakar, Abdoulaye Sow, several Senegalese officials and ambassadors of African and Arab countries accredited to Senegal.

Also taking part in the launch of this event were the Ambassador, Director of Partnerships and Economic and Cultural Promotion at the Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad, the Deputy Director in charge of investment promotion, the Secretary General of the Association of Mayors of Senegal, as well as Moroccan and Senegalese businessmen and company directors.

Several activities are planned during this economic tour, including BtoB meetings, signing of agreements and working visits.

After Dakar, the Dakhla Oued Eddahhab region is planning an economic tour in the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, from May 18 to 20.

2024-07-25 02:50:38

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