The Epic Games Store tries to solve the problem of invalid ratings and malicious ratings, and the system randomly sends out comment invitations and imports the opinion questionnaire mechanism (178905)

by time news

Nowadays, many players not only watch the preemptive reviews of the media, bloggers, and Internet celebrities before buying the game, but also try to observe whether the game is worth buying from the playing experience of other ordinary players through the review system of the online mall; Local business reviews are also full of all kinds of cheating, useless or malicious reviews, and reviews on game purchase platforms also have such serious problems; in order to make the review system more credible, the Epic Games Store decided to introduce random active Comment invitation mechanism and opinion questionnaire function.

▲ In the future, it will not be possible to actively comment if you own the game, but the system will randomly issue comments to players who have played for more than 2 hours

The random scoring mechanism of the Epic Games Store will randomly ask players who have played the same game for more than 2 hours to rate, to ensure that the reviewers who are rating are players who have actually participated in and actually experienced a period of play time, so that game reviews will not be maliciously commented or Invalid comments flooding; Epic Games emphasizes that the scoring mechanism is completely random, players cannot actively comment on all games they own, and all games that players have played for more than two hours may not receive comment requests.

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▲ Players may receive an opinion survey on the game experience after finishing the game. When a certain amount is accumulated, a tag will be generated for the game to help other players as a reference

Another mechanism is the opinion questionnaire mechanism. The Epic Games Store will randomly receive a play experience survey form after the game ends, and provide questions such as “is the game challenging” and “is it suitable for multiplayer fun?” , when a certain player survey base is accumulated, the Epic Games Store will generate tags for the game to help players quickly find suitable game types in the process of mining games.

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