the epic of SIMANDOU! [Alpha Boubacar Bah] – 2024-04-03 13:27:40

by times news cr

2024-04-03 13:27:40

For more than‘a half-century, Guinea was chained by an endless saga: that of Simandou, the largest unexploited iron deposit in the world. This treasure Who should have been a source of prosperity, was trapped in the intrigues of large global mining companies, in collusion with corrupt Guinean leaders, thus depriving the Guinean people of their wealth.

However, today, a glimmer of hope shines on the horizon. Under the enlightened guidance of Head of state, Lieutenant General Mamadi Doumbouya, our homeland has finally found the path to liberation. It is thanks to his unwavering patriotism, his undisputed leadership and his remarkable foresight that we are on the verge of realizing the old dream of an entire people: the exploitation of Simandou.

The Simandou integrated project includes four key elements: two iron ore deposits developed by Winning Consortium Simandou and Rio Tinto/ Simfera steelworks of 500,000 tonnes per year and a pellet factory of 2 million tonnes per year, a double-track railway linking the mines to the ports, and finally, a port located in Moribaya in the prefecture of Forécariah, accompanied of an industrial park under development.

The path to this achievement has been strewn with pitfalls, compromises and difficult negotiations. But General Doumbouya, like a maestro, was able to skillfully use the carrot and the stick to bend the giants of the global mining industry. With determination, he thus urged these behemoths to respect the interests of our nation, to share the benefits equitably and to engage in the construction of infrastructure essential for the development of our country.

The framework agreement negotiated by General Doumbouya marks a decisive turning point. It guarantees a 15% participation in Simandou’s projects and establishes the creation of Compagnie TransGuinéen (CTG), with the start of production scheduled for March 2025. In welcoming this feat, we praise its ability to obtain exceptional results with only common sense under the backdrop of patriotism and enlightened leadership. With 15% in the CTG and in the 4 blocks of SIMANDOU, Guinea takes full advantage of its resources, thus eliminating the 35-year wait for financial benefits and infrastructure. This is a historic step towards prosperity, thanks to the vision of General Mamadi Doumbouya.

Each step of this adventure marks significant progress toward realizing a decades-old dream. Under the direction of Head of statecrucial actions have been taken over the past two years. These steps include among others, the conclusion of the Framework Agreement the 25 mars 2022signing the statutes of the joint venture the July 27, 2022the entrance to Chinese giant Baowu in the project, the December 22, 2022la rification by the National Transitional Council (CNT) of the convention and agreements relating to the mining project on February 3, 2024 et in this Tuesday March 12, 2024the inauguration of the first beam of the railway.

While until now, the Trans-Guinean railway project was considered a mirage, designed only for the transport of ore with one way, the vision of General Mamadi Doumbouya radically transformed this perspective. With remarkable determination, he was able to see beyond previous limitations and worked to make this project a reality of capital importance for the socio-economic development of our country. Thanks toa determinationthe Trans-Guinean now extends over 670 kilometers, offering a versatile infrastructuremulti-use Who, in addition to iron ores, will facilitate the transport of people, agropastoral products and goods. This spectacular advance legitimately raises thees questions : how could our leaders since 1970 not have seen this exceptional opportunity sooner? Why did they condone this whole scandal? What were their motivations behind this blatant neglect of national interests?

It is essential to understand the capital importance of this project for the development of our country. Simandou is not only an iron deposit, but an opportunity to transform our economy, create jobs, strengthen our infrastructure and improve the quality of life of our fellow citizens. It is a real engine of progress that will propel Guinea towards a better future.

Expected production in March 2025 from the Simandou project promises a bright financial future for Guinea, with a forecast of at least US$2.5 billion entering state coffers annually. This revolutionary perspective will offer a new dimension to the Guinean economy, inevitably contributing to a exponential increase in revenues in the country’s budget. Comparatively, the revenue generated by the entire mining sector so far has been limited to a few hundred million dollars.

Compared to previous regimes which failed for decades to realize this project, General Doumbouya achieved in a few months what others could not accomplish in more than half a century. His unfailing commitment to the Guinean people and his determination to defend national interests were the keys to this success.

Today, the day after the installation of the first beam of the Trans-Guinean railway, we are entering a new chapter in our history. This is the beginning of an era of prosperity and development for our nation. And it’s thanks to firmness et to visionary leadership from General Mamadi Doumbouya that we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This is the perfect opportunity to send our sincere congratulations to the Minister Director of Cabinet at the Presidency, Mr. Djiba Diakité, for his decisive role in the realization of this historic project. As the president’s right-hand man, he was the driving force of government, implementing presidential directives and defending national interests during key negotiations. His vision, determination and commitment largely contributed to the success of this collective enterprise, as did the efforts of his close colleagues, including Mr. Baila Ly, who were essential in advancing this ambitious project, thus marking a decisive turning point in the history of our country.

May this success serve as a lesson to all those who lead or aspire to lead our country: the interest of the nation must always take precedence over personal interests. And with such an example before our eyes, we have every reason to be optimistic about Guinea’s future.

Long live Guinea, land of infinite resources, and long live General Mamadi Doumbouya, architect of our renaissance!

Alpha Boubacar Bah

DGA of the National Urban Renewal Agency (ANRU)

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