The essential keys to correctly drive a scooter

by time news
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    Vehicle ready: Check brakes, wheels, lights, shock absorbers -if you have them-. A scooter in good maintenance condition is essential for the safety of whoever drives it. It is not a bad idea to have it checked when you buy it –if it has not been done before in the store–, and periodically do the pertinent ones to always keep it in optimal condition.

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    The rules of the city. Each City Council establishes its own regulations regarding the use of scooters. It is recommended that you consult the one of the town through which you are going to transit. A simple internet search will let you know all the details.

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    Helmet. Get used to wearing the helmet at all times. It can save you more than one disappointment. A set of gloves and protections will not hurt either. You never know when we may have an accident, either due to your own mistake or that of a third party. Not to mention unforeseen events such as an animal crossing our path, or the appearance of a hole in the pavement on which we are driving. It also does not hurt to wear a reflective vest. This way we will reinforce the lighting of the scooter.

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    Weather information. Check the weather forecast before leaving home: it is important to know in advance if it is going to rain. In the event that there is water on the road, you will have to drive with greater attention and care. In addition, knowing the weather conditions in advance will allow you to dress appropriately to protect yourself from inclement weather.

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    The first time. If it is the first time you ride a scooter, look for a secluded and large place, preferably without people and flat. A futsal field or a parking lot with little traffic can be perfect. Place one foot in the center of the platform, place your hands on the handlebars –they shouldn’t be too stretched out nor too tight– and push off, after turning it on, while slowly pressing the accelerator. The scooter will pick up traction. It is time to get on the platform the foot with which you have pushed yourself.

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    In this first contact it is interesting that you play with the accelerator, that you brake with more and less intensity, and that you make turns to see the degree of inclination with which you can take a curve without forcing too much. Perform these maneuvers as many times as necessary until you are confident enough to drive around the city with other vehicles.

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    The posture. The most common position on the scooter is with one foot in front of the other. It is important to flex both knees when we are going to do any maneuver, although it is true that, after repeated use, each one will find the most comfortable way to circulate and move on the scooter. We recommend keeping your back straight but relaxed. You will avoid injuries.

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    When you accelerate, bend your knees to lower your center of gravity; It will give you more security. Try to do it gradually, without jerks, so that the acceleration is fluid. Very important: always respect other vehicles and bystanders, keep your distance from them and notify them of your maneuvers as much as possible. You will generate a ‘friendly’ culture around the scooter.

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    How to brake. Keep your handlebars straight and your body slightly back when braking. If when you do it you are also forced to avoid an object or vehicle, try to do it by leaning. If you twist the handlebar, the most normal thing is that you end up on the ground. Use the front and rear brakes at the same time to stop more effectively, but be careful with the intensity with which you press the front; if it’s too high, you can end up on the ground.

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