The essential teamwork – Diari de Girona

by time news

2023-06-29 06:30:33

When Diari de Girona decided to organize some sports awards, we did so in a meeting in which before entering we had no idea what would come out of it. It was a meeting convened by the manager, Maneu Fernández, with the aim of putting a monumental brainstorm on the table to, subsequently, eliminate what we didn’t quite like, that was unrealistic or far from our possibilities.

Heads of various departments of the newspaper debated for a few hours and the result was the Atenea Awards and the Gironí Sports Gala which is being held today at the GEiEG facilities in Sant Ponç from eight o’clock in the evening. The manager intended to inject us all with excitement so that: 1) we would reveal ourselves to contribute, without complexities, everything that was on our minds; 2) decide which was the best project, among many, to give back to Girona society a part of what the media gives us and 3) start and develop the event as a true team effort.

We decided on the sports awards, thinking that we spend the whole year talking a lot about the big teams, while the rest we only do when there are interesting, human stories or very specific milestones. We left the meeting with homework, but satisfied with the work done and hopeful for what remained to be done.

In the counties of Girona there are hundreds of clubs, thousands of athletes, dozens of managers, trainers, workers and collaborators who very often in exchange for very little do a great job to generalize something that not many decades ago was the reach of only a few.

When I was a child not all of us had the opportunity to play football, basketball or table tennis, just to name a few examples. Many of us were discarded because we weren’t good enough or our parents didn’t think we should sign up for sports.

It’s very different now. A large part of society is clear that the practice of sports is necessary, healthy, formative and educational, especially in terms of values, even if it is sometimes difficult to see, not because of the responsibility of the clubs and the children, but because of some parents who think that some day his son will be Messi.

Diari de Girona and Prensa Ibérica, with the support of the GEiEG, have organized the Atenea Awards and the Girona Sports Gala to thank all this immense group, from athletes to club managers, collaborators, technicians and workers, the day-to-day work.

Ultimately, we want to reward teamwork, which is essential, so that our children learn and we parents can enjoy every Saturday or Sunday the work done the rest of the week. The same teamwork that we instilled in that already distant meeting.

#essential #teamwork #Diari #Girona

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