“The eternally forgotten”: angry clerks gathered in court all over France

by time news

2023-06-26 18:12:48

Initiated last week, this spontaneous mobilization and “outside the unions” was caused by a project for a new index grid which will disadvantage the clerks, they believe. Several petitions have been addressed to the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti, currently traveling with Emmanuel Macron in Marseille, where a hundred clerks and magistrates gathered in black robes at midday on the steps of the courthouse . “Marseille is the third largest court in France and every day, between clerks and administrative assistants, we start with a staff where 50 people are missing”, explained to AFP Isabelle Fernandez, regional secretary UNSA Judicial Services (majority), denouncing a “huge” workload.

“Injustice in Justice”

Poster “Faced with contempt, anger” in hand, Bernadette Allione, clerk at the Marseille court, claims to have “seen the situation deteriorating” since she started this job, regretting to see more and more colleagues leaving this profession. In Paris, there were between 150 and 200 clerks, some in robes, in front of the court, accompanied by magistrates and lawyers who came to support.

“We have a lot”, “Stop the coaster”, “Angry clerks, without clerks, no justice”, could be read on their signs. “It has to stop, that our function be recognized as such and more attractive for young people,” Carine, 50, told AFP: “It’s an unknown profession, but all the judicial cogs hold on the faith of clerks and administrative officers”. “The calculations are not good”, “The eternal forgotten”, “Injustice in justice”, was it also written on the signs brandished on the steps of the Paris Court of Appeal, where around sixty people were gathered.

The inter-union received at the ministry

Gatherings also took place in the Paris region: there were around sixty of them in front of the Bobigny judicial court, where the “situation is catastrophic” according to Albertine Muñoz, local delegate of the Syndicat de la magistrature, and around thirty in Évry. “It is a movement which a priori will be very followed because it is a bit of the general fed up”, told AFP Audrey Michel, 47, clerk.

In Rennes, where around fifty clerks met at lunchtime, “we are the only category in the justice system that has not been upgraded, both in terms of salary and status”, proclaimed in front of the demonstrators Laetitia Colombier. “We were already exhausted and now we feel despised,” one of his colleagues Christelle Lehfaoui slipped to AFP. In Lille, a hundred clerks, administrative assistants and magistrates gathered in front of the courthouse. They were about fifty in Beauvais where they denounced in a letter “their disarray, their anger and the contempt of which they are regularly victims”.

The intersyndicale was to be received at the Ministry of Justice in the afternoon. According to Hervé Bonglet, secretary general of Unsa Judicial Services, the intersyndicale will demand “a revaluation of the profession of clerks, underpaid in relation to their skills and everything they do”. If he welcomes the recruitments planned in the latest project of the minister – 1,800 more clerks -, Hervé Bonglet believes that “it will not be enough”. “We are 11,000, it will take around 16,000 if we follow the standards of our European neighbors”, he estimates while Cyril Papon, secretary general of the CGT of chancelleries and judicial services, denounces a workload “ huge” and departure rates of clerks who “explode”.

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