The EU is preparing to issue green bonds and assures: the money raised cannot be used for gas or nuclear projects

by time news

L’European Union adopted the programmatic framework for the launch of the bonds gave, the ‘green bonds’, which will begin issuing in October to finance 30% of the funds of the Next Generation Eu. Objective: to provide those who invest in these securities with the certainty that i funds mobilized will be destined to projects gave. In fact the Commission will report on theirs environmental impact and has already announced that the resources raised with green bonds will not go to projects related to gas o al nuclear. And Brussels intends to issue green bonds for 250 billion euros: 30%, in fact, of the issuance of debt securities expected by 2026 from Recovery Plan ‘Next Generation Eu ”, a program worth 807 billion euros in total, over 700 billion of which destined for the Recovery Fund. In its plan, then, each State had to respect the threshold of 37% of projects dedicated to transition Organic. And this is where the measures will be selected financeable. First launched in 2007 by the European Investment Bank, green bonds work just like any other bonds. Therefore, they give the investor who buys it the right to receive, at the maturity defined in the security, the reimbursement of the amount paid with a pre-established interest rate. The Budget Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, he recalled that the operation will make Europe “the largest broadcaster of bonds gave in the world”.

EUROPEAN GREEN BOND, EXCLUDING GAS AND NUCLEAR – European green bonds will follow parameters in line with the rules ofInternational Capital Market Association (which represent the most authoritative guidelines in a sector where there is no standard or certification body) and not those of taxonomy European green, still under discussion. So much so that, on April 21, 2021, precisely on the day in which the Parliament European Union and Member States have agreed on the target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by “at least” 55% by 2030, the Commission has failed to decide on the exclusion of gas and nuclear from the document that determines which ones investments are considered sustainable and which are not. A decision, the one on the green or non-green status of gas and nuclear power, which had to be postponed until after the summer. Now, however, it will be necessary to find a meeting point between the ambitious text put on the table by the EU Commission and the position of Eastern countries, of the North and of the France (as for the atom) who don’t want to give up those sources of energy. So the European Council is pushing for the criteria to soften.

THE POTENTIAL – The framework adopted by the EU Commission for green bonds, however, it could now also influence the path on taxonomy, since – as he recalled the same Hahn, “Green bonds will be even more attractive than other obligations“. According to an analysis by Bloomberg in fact, in the first six months of 2021, the sale of green bonds was close to 300 billion dollars. They were issued in 49 countries (doubled in number from five years ago, when they were 24) and 29 currencies. 53% of the green bonds sold in the first semester this year came from emissions in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

FURORE (M5S): “TOMB STONE ON GREENWASHING ATTEMPTS” – Several sectors of intervention of the projects, grouped into nine categories: research and innovation activities, digital technologies in support of the green transition, energy efficiency, clean energy, adaptation to climate change, water and waste management, transport and infrastructure, nature protection, rehabilitation and biodiversity. The important thing will be to carefully select the projects, to monitor the various phases, manage funds transparently and report properly detailed. “We share the decision of the Commission european which actually puts a tomb stone to all attempts to greenwashing that have risen in recent days. The debate is over, there is no future for nuclear power, ”he said Mario Furore, MEP of 5 Star Movement, according to which “renewable sources are the only truly sustainable alternative for our country and for the European continent”. “The process of decarbonizzazione necessary for the European Union to center the commitment of the climate neutrality by 2050 – he added – cannot be held back by bogus projects transition which serve the interests of some lobbies more than future ones generations. Nuclear is a technology that has wreaked havoc both in the past (Chernobyl) that in recent times (Fukushima) and the Italians rejected this source of energy twice when they were called to express themselves “.

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