The EU plan to replace Russian gas. And Draghi hears Scholz

by time news

Replace the Russian gas with that of other suppliers, so as to be independent from Moscow. The European Commission is considering which strategy to use to break away from Russia Of Vladimir Putina real energy reservoir for a large part of the Old Continent.

Dismarking from Russia

The member countries of the EU – but more generally the entire European continent – have practically always relied on Russian gas. Over the years no one (except for rare cases) has ever thought of exploring alternative ways. The first problems came to a head when Moscow raised demands on Donbass and Crimea. On that occasion, around 2014, Brussels delivered the first to Putin sanctions. The situation exploded with the latest Russian military operation in Ukraine.

It immediately became clear that the EU would soon find itself in a dead end. The EU Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis, in a hearing in the Economic Committee of the European Parliament, he clearly explained Europe’s next moves. “It is clear that we will not replace“Russian gas”entirely with renewables in a year or two, so if we want to move quickly to zero import from Russia, we have to import gas from elsewhere“, said Dombrovskis, reporting that from the main Norwegian gas company there is”entirely with renewables in a year or two, so if we want to move quickly to zero import from Russia, we have to import gas from elsewhere“.

Step by step

However, Brussels cannot dismiss its energy relations with Russia, thinking of identifying one immediate solution. “We cannot move to a zero gas strategy“from Russia”in a few weeks, we must work to ensure our energy independence” with “different suppliers“, added the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni. “Unfortunately, a large part of our suppliers need alternatives to Russian gas, they need regasification mechanisms, and even mobile regasification platforms are not built in a day, it takes a year and a half to assemble them, we must be aware of this difficulty.” e “a fiscal space will be needed“to respond to the challenge, added Gentiloni himself.

The EU, therefore, must reason step by step, that is, step by step. It is for this reason that the main leaders of the Old Continent immediately took action in an attempt to circumvent the impasse. The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghifor example, had a telephone conversation with the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany tonight, Olaf Scholz, focused on the situation on the ground in Ukraine, on the European response in humanitarian and sanctioning terms and on the energy consequences of the current crisis. The two leaders, underlined Palazzo Chigi, have agreed to keep in close contact in the coming days also in view of the informal Summit scheduled for Thursday and Friday.

On the other side of the ocean, the United States they have no particular problems with regards to energy resources. So much so that the US president, Joe Bidenhas not yet made any decisions on the Russian oil embargo. White House spokesperson Jen Psaki also reported that Biden addressed the issue in talks with leaders from Germany, France and the UK and pointed out. “We have different abilities and possibilities“, thundered President Biden. It is a pity, as mentioned, that these abilities and possibilities will have to be tracked down in time and in abundance. Europe needs a solution, if not immediately, at least in close proximity.

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