the EU validates the financial action of the outgoing government and is concerned about the future

by time news

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The biggest fears of the European institutions as to the result of the Italian elections are economic, hence the paradoxical decision of the European Commission on Tuesday, which validates a new tranche of the Italian recovery plan.

With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

It is 21 billion euros that will thus be able to be paid to Italy. But this payment is of course to be attributed to the reforms implemented by the outgoing government. “ Keep it up urges Ursula von der Leyen, but the Commission can only hope that Italy’s efforts will continue.

European Commissioner for the Economy Paolo Gentiloni asks ” earnestly “to the next Italian government to seize the opportunity of this European recovery plan” to build a more competitive economy “. But the Commission’s fear is obviously to see the future coalition break with the pro-European and reformist policy of Mario Draghi, whose departure many governments regret.

With the coalition of the rights, the concern revolves around the staggering public debt of Italy. At 150% of the peninsula’s domestic product, it is now higher than that of Greece in 2010 at the start of the debt crisis. However, the coalition promises increases in public spending with its programs to reduce taxes and increase pensions and social allowances. She intends to ask for an overhaul of the stability and growth pact of the euro zone, she also plans to renegotiate the European recovery plan.

All these intentions which risk, according to the EU, to weigh down the third economy of the euro zone. The commission must validate each payment of the recovery plan and Italy will therefore find itself under surveillance.

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