The European Conference of Judges of the Center of European Rabbis opens

by time news

In London, the capital of England, nearly a hundred senior judges from all courts in European countries gathered to discuss the dramatic consequences and developments in state laws that indirectly and directly affect a variety of halakhic questions that pose complex challenges to the judges’ table.

Senior judges from Israel, London, France, Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary, Ukraine, Manchester, Belgium, and even from Sydney in faraway Australia attended the European Judges’ Conference.

This is the fourth judges ‘conference held in recent years, and the renewal of the tradition of gatherings after following the Corona situation in the world the conference has been postponed twice, and now the rabbis’ gathering tradition The dayanim compete daily.

The conference was held at the Od Yosef Chai Torah Center in the London neighborhood under the leadership of Rabbi Avraham David, Rabbi of Sephardim in London, and a member of the Council of European Rabbis, who spoke about clarifying genealogy and the possibilities of using new means to verify various information and findings.

The session was opened by a rabbi of the Netherlands and a member of the Council of European Rabbis, Rabbi Benjamin Jacobs, who praised the importance of the conference, which is an extremely important event during which judges from all over Europe unite and make a series of decisions for tens of thousands of European Jews.

Judgments on divorce in the case of the acquittal of Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Lichtenstein, formerly Rabbi of the “Federation” – London and member of the presidency of European rabbis.

Rabbi Avraham Baruch Pevzner, rabbi of the Lubavitcher-Paris community and a member of the Council of European Rabbis, spoke on bills.

The lunch, which was held for the dayanim, was moderated by Rabbi Avraham Abba Toretzky, during which a memorial service was held by Rabbi Shalom Greenfeld, Rabbi of the Alexander Congregation in Antwerp, in the image of Rabbi David Moshe Lieberman .

Divrei Torah and Bracha were uttered by Rabbi Moshe Alsace Dayan at the Federation Court in London.

The second session was opened by the Director General of the European Rabbinical Center, Rabbi Aryeh Goldberg, who praised and thanked the Shiites for once again meeting the Dayanim in one inn, and later reviewed the Dayanim international challenges facing Jewish communities in Europe in light of the tense global situation in various arenas and consequences. .

The chairman of the second session was Rabbi Yitzchak Niazov, the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Vienna and a member of the Council of European Rabbis, who expressed the responsibility placed on the role of the Dayan at all times.

The first hearing took place regarding handing over to the authorities when the speaker was Rabbi Shraga Feibel Zimmerman, Rabbi of the “Federation” – London, who delivered a thousand words in essence and the halakhic aspect and dealing with both things.

The third session was opened by Rabbi Yaakov Hotovli, Member of the Vienna-Austria Tribunal.

Rabbi Zavdia Cohen, Rabbi of Tel Aviv, spoke on the importance of a will in our generation and its halakhic validity. Law “Federation” London.

At the time of giving the news, the first day of the gathering of the judges ends with an appreciation and appreciation for the judges with the participation of the rabbis of London who came to honor the judges of Europe for the sacred work done by them with supreme devotion to teaching this thing.

The gathering of the judges will continue today during which three more sessions will be held in which the judges will be presented with additional complex issues, with the main issue being challenges facing courts around the world regarding refugees from Ukraine such as genealogy, drafting a written address for refugees whose address is left behind, and more.

The participating Dayanim thanked Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Chairman of the European Rabbinical Center, for this gathering and the support of hundreds of congregations throughout Europe throughout the year, to Rabbi Aryeh Goldberg and to Rabbi Yosef Beinhaker for their hard work in organizing the conference and other great actions To the clock.

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