The European Court of Human Rights succeeds in canceling Johnson’s flight with deportees to Rwanda

by time news

The plane that was to transport Rwanda a group deported by the UK Government was eventually left on land. The trip was canceled after the intervention at the last moment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that momentarily stopped the expulsions, when the Boing 767 He was preparing to take off from the Boscombe Down Royal Air Force base, 130 kilometers from London. There was no immediate reaction from the Ministry of the Interior, which has seen its plans frustrated.

Thus ended a day of appeals, first in the British courts and then desperately by lawyers in Strasbourg. At first, the Executive of the United Kingdom he anticipated a shipment of 150 irregulars, a number that was gradually reduced until it came to nothing. The trip had a cost of 600,000 euros to which many thousands more legal expenses must be added. Nonsense that does not solve the problem at all. That same Tuesday, 300 without papers arrived at the port of Dover in boats. On Monday it had been more than a hundred.

The government of Boris Johnson made it clear that the number of expelled did not matter. The flight had to leave at all costs as a dissuasive example, to discourage the networks that organize the human trafficking in the English Channel. “”It has been enormously difficult to find a way to do it that is humane. It is not reasonable to try to send the boats back when they are detected in the English Channel, these are very dangerous waters, we have to work in a humane and compassionate way, because it is the right thing to do, but at the same time we must break the way in which the gangs”, declared Johnson at the beginning of the Council of Ministers.

accomplice lawyers

Despite huge controversy and legal difficulties, Johnson is willing to go ahead with plans to deportation to the African country. “We think we have established a proper partnership with Rwanda. And yes, it may take a while for it to work properly, but that doesn’t mean it won’t continue.” The prime minister lashed out at the lawyers who are trying to stop the deportations, accusing them of “complicity in the work of the criminal gangs. With that they undermine confidence in the legal system.”

When asked if, given the legal obstacles, it would not be time for the United Kingdom to leave the European Convention on Human RightsJohnson did not rule out such a possibility. “Would some laws need to be changed to help us move forward? It could be. All options are under constant review,” was his response. That decision would be even more drastic and controversial, but the trial balloon is already launched.

Bishops letter

The criticism that the policy of forceful expulsion of individuals has provoked, who in many cases come asking for asylum, fleeing countries at war, where they have suffered persecution and violence, leave Johnson cold and divide the British. 44% believe it is a good idea, 40% oppose it.

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In a letter to The Times newspaper, the 23 bishops of the Church of England with a seat in the House of Lords, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York, described as “immoral” a map “which shames Britain”. “Those deported to Rwanda have no chance to appeal or to be reunited with their family in Britain. His request for asylum, recognition of his medical condition or other needs has not been taken into consideration”. The same newspaper echoed the weekend of a private comment from the Prince carlos describing the new migratory practice as “horrible”. Johnson denied that the comment was true but no Palace source has denied it.

Supreme Review

The agreement with the Rwandan government was reached last April and at that time the Prime Minister announced that they will be sent to that country, “tens of thousands” of irregulars in the coming years. The scheme will apply to men without family, who enter illegally in boats or trucks. Those expelled will not be able to return to the UK. Yours, it has been specified, will be “a one-way ticket”, unless the supreme court decide otherwise in the coming weeks, after a still pending in-depth review of the government’s scheme. United Nations It has also warned that this policy violates the “spirit of the letter” of the international obligations of the Convention on the Status of Refugees of 1951, by shifting the responsibility of asylum seekers to another country.

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