The European vaccination certificate will be operational from July

by time news The vaccination certificate will be operational in the EU from July. This was stated in an audition at the Internal Market Committee of the European Parliament, the commissioner Thierry breton. “For our part, we will be ready at the beginning of June but let the month run for the Member States to implement the technical aspects and in July everything should be operational,” he explained.

“I know that there are discussions regarding this long transition period, but we must act as soon as possible”, added the commissioner who specified the state of the art of the technical-legislative path that will lead to the implementation of the plan. The European Commission “is working on the gateway” that it will allow mutual recognition of vaccination certificates in the EU.

“From 1 June onwards we will be ready and the Member States will be able to proceed with the edition of the green certificate” which should allow the resumption of non-essential journeys. “The data will be owned by the user and this is a very important point,” Breton said.


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