The Evolution and Expansion of Hamas’s Firepower in Gaza: How Israel Faces a More Powerful Enemy

by time news

Israel’s ongoing conflict with Gaza has reached a severe level of danger as incidents of casualties continue to escalate. Early in the ground invasion of Gaza, nine Israeli soldiers were killed when a Palestinian militant’s antitank missile struck an armored personnel carrier. This attack illustrates the increasing evolution and expansion of Hamas’s arsenal.

The Israel Defense Forces are fighting Hamas on multiple fronts amidst an array of obstacles, including having to navigate through honeycombed tunnels where civilians, hospitals, schools, and mosques are located. Military experts have commented that Hamas forces have amassed a variety of weapons with modern sophistication, including laser-guided missiles, shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and antitank missiles. Analysts suggest that the weaponry has been refined through smuggling and advanced manufacturing techniques in underground factories.

Since the invasion began, over 11,000 people, many of them women and children, have been killed in Gaza, while 41 Israeli Defense Force soldiers have lost their lives. Amidst the escalating conflict, hospitals in northern Gaza are surrounded by Israeli tanks and are being allowed to evacuate, endangering the lives of the displaced people seeking medical shelter.

Hamas has deployed a diverse array of antitank weapons, complicating even the most high-tech armies when engaged in urban combat scenarios. Israeli sources say that distinct types of antitank weapons have been sourced from various war zones across the world and smuggled into the Gaza Strip. Hamas has also developed its weapons, such as the Tandem 85 warhead, creating a formidable challenge for its opposition.

To counter these weapons, Israel has deployed the Trophy active protection system, designed to intercept incoming munitions, and has been successful in its defensive efforts so far. The evolving confrontation in Gaza presents numerous concerns and challenges for Israel’s defense, creating a very difficult and complex war.

The conflict has implications for humanitarian aid as well, with significant impasses in fuel supply, hindering the operations of Gaza’s hospitals, water pumps, and transportation services. The situation remains tenuous, with the need for international mediation and resolution becoming increasingly pressing.

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