The ‘experimentum crucis’ that showed that the Earth rotates on itself

by time news

Peter Choker

Updated:04/06/2022 03:06 hrs


All great scientific discoveries are linked to a geographical setting and, fortunately, some of them can be visited today. Let’s go with some examples.

The exuberant beauty of the islands Galapagos has been inextricably linked to Charles Darwin and to his theory of evolution; an apple tree Woolshtorpe Manor (England) to Isaac Newton and to his theory of gravity; Bletchely Park, a building located 80 kilometers north of London, to mathematics and Nazi horror. And that’s where Alan Turing directed his work with the Colossus computer that allowed him to decipher the Enigma machine.

France also has its ‘tourist-scientific’ icons. Thus, for example, the heart of Paris was the scene of irrefutable proof that the earth’s rotation exists.

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