The expert named the best time to buy a new car – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

by time news

Restrictions in the work of dealerships during non-working days made it possible to somewhat improve the situation with the availability of cars, because some car factories continued to work.

According to the dealers’ data, shipments of cars on “non-working days” were carried out in a planned manner, and we are talking not only about models of local production, but also imported ones.

However, the shortage of cars has not gone anywhere, because queues remain on the market, and the vast majority of supplied cars immediately go to customers. Thus, dealer warehouses are still empty, which means that sales of cars of the outgoing model year, of course, should not be expected.

“In addition to the fact that at the beginning of 2022 the price of new cars is expected to rise by 3-10% depending on the model and configuration, there will be no traditional New Year sales in car dealerships this year. Demand still exceeds supply, so it is a good time to buy a car. It is better to do it in November-December, without waiting for the price increase from the new year, “said Andrey Terlyukevich, General Director of the AutoSpecCentre Group of Companies, to Rossiyskaya Gazeta.


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