The expert told when it is possible to receive the funded pension in full

by time news

When Andrei Vitalievich Ukolov from Kaliningrad, a reader of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, decided to withdraw his pension savings from a non-state pension fund, he failed.

“I worked in a large company that has its own non-state pension fund. I participated in the pension co-financing program. I have accumulated a fairly decent amount over 8 years – more than 200 thousand rubles. Now I am 61 years old, and I applied to this fund to receive money. But they turned me down, “said Andrey Ukolov.

The reader explained that at the same time he was told that he has the right to a lifetime increase in his pension. But it is quite modest by today’s standards. “It is clear that this is better than nothing, but they will not make the weather 890 rubles. I think that people who have pension savings need to pay the sums they have accumulated one time. It will be a good help – to get medical treatment, to repair the house, the cottage. that now, as you know, funded pensions are not replenished. Everything that employers deduct goes to insurance pensions. And further prospects for pension savings are rather vague, “a resident of Kaliningrad expressed his point of view.

The fact that Andrei Ukolov was denied a lump sum payment of savings is legal. And the Central Bank, where Ukolov asked for clarifications, confirmed this (it is the Central Bank that controls the activities of NPFs). The Pension Fund of Russia explained to RG how pension savings are paid.

How retirement savings are paid

At the expense of pension savings funds are carried out:

one-time payment (one-time);

payment of funded pension (monthly indefinitely);

urgent pension payment (monthly for 10 years or longer);

payment of pension savings to the legal successors of a deceased citizen (one-time).

Lump sum payment

All pension savings can be paid in one amount only if the estimated amount of the funded pension is 5% or less in relation to the amount of the insurance pension, taking into account the fixed payment and the amount of the funded pension. Simply put, only a small amount will be paid in one time.

A person can reapply for a one-time payment if new funds are received on his individual personal account. This can be done no earlier than five years from the date of the previous application.

Funded pension

It is established if the estimated size of the funded pension is more than 5% in relation to the amount of the insurance old-age pension, taking into account the fixed payment and the funded pension, calculated as of the day of its appointment. In 2021, its size is calculated based on the expected payment period of the pension – 258 months.

To calculate the monthly payment amount, you need to divide the total amount of savings as of the date from which the payment is scheduled by 258 months.

Urgent payment

The pensioner determines the duration of the payment independently, but it cannot be less than 10 years. It is established when the right to a funded pension arises from funds generated by:

contributions under the pension savings co-financing program;

maternity capital funds aimed at the formation of pension savings, and income from their investment;

additional independent insurance contributions for the funded pension.

Payment to successors

In the event of the death of a person, his pension savings, under certain conditions, can be paid to successors. To receive funds, you need to contact the insurer from which the savings were formed (PFR or NPF). The application must be submitted no later than six months from the date of death. If a person applies for a pension for the first time, then at the same time an insurance pension can be assigned and the type of payment at the expense of pension savings can be determined.

Direct speech

Alexander Safonov, Vice-Rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

– The concept of “pension” implies that pension payments are precisely annuity in nature (that is, in certain equal amounts). Otherwise, it is no longer a pension, but simply the payment of a one-time benefit. Therefore, theoretically speaking, the funded pension should be paid in the same way as the insurance pension – every month. Therefore, in my opinion, it is inexpedient to change the current legislation in order to issue pension savings. Moreover, the relatively small amount of funded pension payments is not only and not so much the result of the activities of the relevant financial institutions, but also the fact that at one time persons born in 1967 were excluded from the compulsory funded system and the employer made contributions to their individual funded accounts relatively short period of time.


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