The Faculty of Medicine of the UBA added the first three cadres of pioneering doctors

by time news

2023-12-07 04:08:00

After the official delivery, completed yesterday, of three works of art that portray three pioneers of Argentine medicinebegan to pay off an old debt that UBA Faculty of Medicine (FMED) maintained with the components of its cloisters. Until now, the walls of the stately deanery and the magnificent museum of the Faculty exhibited numerous paintings of notable doctors in Argentine history, but with a common characteristic: all effigies of men.

With the donation of these first three works of art, an old debt of equality begins to be paid: the images –intervened by an artist – by Cecilia Grierson, Alicia Moreau de Justo and Julieta Lanteri will begin to take their place in the history and in the environment of the Faculty management.

“Today between 70 and 80% of the Faculty of Medicine enrollment are women”

“In 1906, only three women were received. Today, however, they are between 70 and 80% of the Faculty’s enrollment. However, all the paintings exhibited in the Faculty, at least until now, were by illustrious male doctors,” highlighted Dr. Luis Ignacio Brusco, dean from FMED of the UBA. And he added: “That is why I believe that the presentation of these first three paintings that will be hung in the deanery, is pay off a debt. One of the many that medicine has with women.”

Furthermore, the head of the Faculty highlighted that “the selection criterion for the women honored is simple: they are – in my opinion – the strongest names in the history of Medicine. But there are others and we will be incorporating them in the near future”.

Purely by chance

This repair event arose almost from chance: after a routine meeting between FMED directors to negotiate a collaboration and training agreement that would be given by the ELEA Laboratory, through its Women’s Comprehensive Health Program (YEAH); The participants in the talk were surprised by the detail that, among the numerous and formal tables from which luminaries of local medical history “followed” the discussion, there were none of the doctors. And the idea arose that the SI Program could repair this omission by sponsoring an initiative: digitally intervene a series of photos of long-time female professionals and donate them to the Faculty.

This is how the commission was made to the Argentine plastic artist Paula Rivero, whose works are characterized by offering an intense expressionist trait. The three works, made through digital art interventions, were – according to the artist – a path where balance was sought so that they could coexist in this space of the cloisters that is more solemn, more serious, but giving it importance through of the color. to these outstanding protagonists.

Who are the three pioneers of medicine brilliantly portrayed?

* Cecilia Grierson (1859-1934): pioneer and first doctor of Argentine nationality. Her contribution to health and the fight for gender equality make her a fundamental figure in national history. Grierson challenged the social norms of her time by entering the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires in 1889.

* Alicia Moreau de Justo (1886-1986): prominent doctor and activist of the Socialist Party. Her legacy in medicine and politics was key to paving the way for future generations. She graduated in 1913. Her commitment to women’s health and well-being led her to fight for access to education and health care for all. She was the second woman to qualify as a doctor and dedicated herself to gynecology.

* Julieta Lanteri (1873-1932): Italian-Argentine pharmacist and doctor who collaborated with the Foundation of the Argentine Association of University Women and the National League of Free Thinkers.

Highlight the importance of gender

On the occasion of the presentation of the paintings. Dr. Ana Azara, primary care manager of the Elea Laboratory and head of the SI Women Program, explained that the objective of the initiative is simple: “Highlight the importance of women in the field of health, honoring female figures who left fingerprint, showed their status as leaders and fought tirelessly for the recognition of women’s rights.” And he concluded by explaining that “this is a milestone of the Program, which seeks to ensure that women do not continue to be left behind, as in the past.

Dean Brusco concluded the event by highlighting the institution’s intention to revalue the role of women in medicine from all approaches: “We are in a new era, where the vast majority of students and graduates are women. And in this management we have a vice dean and a gender department that has a great presence in the Faculty”.


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