The family law firm

by time news

Family law firms often experience a turning point, the succession from the first to the second generation. At that stage of its life cycle, growth, survival or decline are at stake. It is a similar process, saving the differences, to that of small and medium-sized companies.

The founder or founder is usually a lawyer who once made a name for himself and got many clients, who loyalized him. This founding lawyer, of recognized prestige in his geographical area of ​​​​activity or in his specialty or specialties, if necessary, faces the succession process with a logical concern. If there is something he wants, in addition to the continuity of the office, it is not only the well-being of his successor or successors, but also that of the rest of his team.

Family firms often have a markedly personal character, in which the main figure is the founding partner. That professional is usually a lawyer who has practiced the profession from a professional mentality, without business criteria.

The successor or successors want to introduce changes, but are met with resistance, with few exceptions, from the founder himself or from the rest of the team. They are often resistances that are the product of operating inertias that are difficult to change if they are not taken into account and action is taken with determination and perseverance to better manage or overcome them.

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