The family of Lydie Logé, who disappeared in 1993, calls for witnesses

by time news

2023-06-21 19:35:57

Almost thirty years later, “we are trying to find out how it happened”, explained Sophie Logé. The sisters of Lydie Logé, missing in Orne since December 1993, launched an appeal for witnesses on RTL on Wednesday to try to obtain information on her disappearance, for which the serial killer Michel Fourniret had been indicted in December 2020. “People saw, heard. Even a small detail of nothing at all can guide us enormously”, added Sophie Logé, calling in particular on the “neighbors” of her sister to testify: “that they are not afraid to say if they have heard or seen something thing “.

An e-mail address has been made available to the public by the “cold cases” center of the Nanterre judicial court ([email protected]), dedicated to unsolved cases, said their lawyer, Me Corinne Herrmann, joined by AFP: “There is no risk of prosecution” against the people who would give their testimony, she underlined.

Lydie Logé, 29 and mother of a seven-year-old boy, disappeared on December 18, 1993 in the village of Saint-Christophe-le-Jajolet, in Orne, where she lived. After shopping for Christmas with a friend, the last person to see her alive, she had gone home. His mother and aunt spoke to him by phone around 7 p.m. Then when his sister Sophie tries to call him later in the evening around 9 p.m., nothing. “It vanishes, we don’t know how or why,” explains Me Herrmann.

“Anyone can help us”

While two investigations from 1994 to 1998 and then from 2004 to 2009 had led to dismissals, the investigations were relaunched in 2018 after connections were made between the DNA traces from organic compounds found in Michel Fourniret’s van and the DNA of Lydie Logé’s mother.

On December 22, 2020, the serial killer was indicted for “kidnapping and forcible confinement followed by death”. His ex-wife, Monique Olivier, is being prosecuted for complicity. “The ogre of the Ardennes” died a few months later, in May 2021.

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“Anyone can help us; talk, try to tell us, we know we won’t find her alive, but tell us, ”implied Sophie and Virginie Logé, aged 54 and 48. “We need testimonies” to “find the body of Lydie Logé and have other elements of the scenario” on the meeting between the young woman and the Fourniret-Olivier couple, said Me Herrmann.

#family #Lydie #Logé #disappeared #calls #witnesses

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