“The far right has obtained the departure of Pap Ndiaye”

by time news

2023-07-21 06:00:20

For those who still doubted it, the case is now clear: it is not good, under the reign of Emmanuel Macron, to displease the far right. Pap Ndiaye has just had the hard experience of it. Here he is, in fact, dismissed from the government when he carried out, more or less, for fourteen months, the policy of his predecessor and when in terms of school reforms, he was only the hologram of the President of the Republic.

Read also the forum: Article reserved for our subscribers After the words of Pap Ndiaye on CNews: “Faced with the culture of hatred disseminated by the far right, we must energetically defend humanist and democratic values”

His surprise arrival on rue de Grenelle had raised some hope: an intellectual recognized for his work on minorities and discrimination, admired for the impetus given to the Museum of the History of Immigration, respected for his nuanced positions in the face of accusations of “wokism” and “Islamo-leftism » in the university, he had been rather well received by the professors and the executives of the national education, hard tested, it is true, by the five years of Jean-Michel Blanquer.

Certainly, the man knew almost nothing about the school institution, but, after all, it could also allow him to approach subjects with a fresh look. Perhaps even, as a resolute humanist, he was able to suspend for a moment the pipe reforms carried out at a forced march before him… And to concern himself, finally, with the purposes of a school then abandoned to the experts of the Excel spreadsheet?

Under direct supervision of the Elysée

But, far from taking advantage of the clearing of his arrival to set the tone, the minister very quickly had to content himself with echoing the proposals of the President of the Republic. From their first joint trip to Marseille to announce “the school of the future”he could only nod in agreement, visibly discovering proposals of which he was not a party and of which he seemed to ignore the issues.

However, this project that he endorsed there was very different from the convictions attributed to him: it was, in fact, nothing less than turning the page on a policy inaugurated by Alain Savary – “give more and better to those who have less” – to allocate funds to schools on the basis of “innovative projects”at the double risk of“water where it is already wet” and to abandon a little more those who, exhausted by an unbearable daily life, have neither the strength nor the means to build the slightest project.

Also read the forum: Article reserved for our subscribers “The social mix policy proposed by Pap Ndiaye will have negligible, even counterproductive effects”

What was left for the Minister then? Surrounded by advisers and senior civil servants recruited by his predecessor, under the direct supervision of the Elysée Palace, he could only pursue the policy of Jean-Michel Blanquer, that of the Institut Montaigne and of the liberal right: prioritization of kindergarten to the detriment of real preparation for schooling, caporalization of primary school teachers under the authority of neurosciences, abandonment of the college to its sad fate as a marshalling yard, reorganization of the high school to supply the Parcoursup machinery, breakage of the professional high school whose students are deprived of general education which is essential to their civic education and put in competition at all levels, without worrying about the inequalities and rivalries thus created…

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