The far-right threat is growing in Germany! So how is the situation in Austria?

by time news

2023-06-06 13:48:37

Berlin. In Germany, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has become the second party according to the latest opinion polls in the country. According to the latest opinion polls, the current rate of votes of the far-right AfD, which received 10.3 percent of the total votes in the general elections held on September 26, 2021, has increased to 18 percent.

With these data shared in the „Deutschlandtrend“ survey conducted regularly by the public broadcaster ARD, the AfD has reached the highest support rate since its establishment in 2013. According to opinion polls, the AfD is already the strongest party in the eastern states of Germany. It was noted that the AfD will receive 26 percent of the votes, the Union Parties CDU/CSU will receive 23 percent, and the SPD will receive 20 percent of the votes in these states. It was determined that the AfD’s vote rate in Saxony and Thuringia was over 30 percent.

69 percent of people say they will vote for the AfD

According to the polls, only 20 percent of the people are satisfied with the policies followed by the government, while 79 percent say that they are not satisfied with the tripartite coalition. Of those who said they would choose the AfD, 69 percent said that other parties disappointed them.

It is stated that developments such as increasing inflation, recession risk, rising energy prices and economic uncertainty since the start of the war in Ukraine have also helped the AfD, which clearly supports Russia in the war between Ukraine and Russia.

“Wake up and do something!”

Journalist-Writer Oktan Erdikmen, who posted short news about the European and world agenda under the title “News from Europe” on Youtube, drew attention to the extreme right-wing danger that increased his votes in Germany. Emphasizing the increase in AfD votes and the dissatisfaction of the majority of the people with the current administration, Erdikmen “Racists are getting stronger. The parties we expect to do something are tweeting ‘wake up’, the Prime Minister says ‘because of the economic crisis’. I think you wake up and do something now!” made his criticism.

Journalist-Author Oktan Erdikmen

According to the information in the news of Erdikmen, the votes of the racist party are increasing in Germany. According to the ARD survey, the CDU/CSU is in first place with 29 percent, and the far-right AfD is in second place with the SPD at 18 percent. Also, one out of two people says they can vote for them. 80% of the people are not satisfied with the work of the government. Arguing that this situation was seen due to the economic crisis, Prime Minister Scholz said, “Parties that praise the past stand out” said. Even though the CDU has made nationalist outbursts lately, even he got scared. President Merz, “As long as I am there, there will be absolutely no cooperation with this party, neither on the table nor under the table” he said.

„The AfD does not need to do anything to increase its votes“

Mainz University Professor Andreas Rödder used the following statements about the rise of the far-right in Bild: “The result is clear: the more the greens appear ideological and implement green policies; the stronger the right wing, as it is called in social psychology. This situation was also reflected in the AfD’s votes. The AfD does not need to actively do anything to increase its votes.”

With the rise of the FPÖ in Austria, the ‘right-wing danger’ grows

A significant increase in the vote rates of the FPÖ in the Salzburg state elections after Upper Austria in Austria. “The far-right threat is on the rise” caused comments. It is seen that the FPÖ, which has seen a great increase in the vote rates in the polls, is likely to win the next elections for the Deputies of the Austrian Parliament (National Council). (


How did the FPÖ become so strong and what can still stop Herbert Kickl?

Is the FPÖ rising from the ashes? FPÖ is first in the polls, ÖVP and SPÖ are in decline.

Is the FPÖ rising from the ashes? FPÖ is first in the polls, ÖVP and SPÖ are in decline.

Is the FPÖ rising from the ashes? FPÖ is first in the polls, ÖVP and SPÖ are in decline.

#farright #threat #growing #Germany #situation #Austria

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