The fastest diet to lose 10 kilos in a week and tips for losing excess weight

by time news

The fastest diet to lose 10 kilos in a week and tips for losing excess weight

Many girls resort to following a quick diet to get rid of excess weight, especially when they want to attend a nearby event, and today we will give you a healthy diet to get rid of 10 kilos in a week, as well as give you some tips to get rid of excess weight, just follow this diet regularly daily and you will notice the difference in week.

The fastest diet to lose 10 kilos in a week

  • First day: Breakfast consists of 2 boiled eggs and a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. Lunch is one fruit of an orange, pear, peach or melon. Dinner is a large salad dish that contains all kinds of vegetables and a piece of grilled meat.
  • the second day: Breakfast consists of 2 boiled eggs and a plate of grapefruit, lunch is a grilled chicken breast and a large plate of salad, and dinner is 2 boiled eggs with a piece of dry toast.
  • the third day: Breakfast is a piece of cottage cheese only, lunch is a large mixed salad dish and it is possible to take one of the toast, and dinner is grilled meat and a salad dish.
  • the fourth day: Breakfast is two boiled eggs and a country countryside, lunch is one fruit that contains few calories, dinner is grilled meat and a large mixed salad platter.
  • The fifth day: Breakfast is only 2 boiled eggs, lunch is vegetable soup without adding any oils, and it is possible to eat 2 boiled eggs with it, dinner is grilled fish and a glass of juice without sugar.
  • the sixth day: Breakfast is 2 boiled eggs and a piece of vegetables, whether tomatoes, lettuce or cucumbers, lunch is 2 fruits that contain few calories, dinner is a large salad and a piece of grilled meat.
  • the seventh day: Breakfast is two boiled eggs or a piece of toast only, lunch is grilled chicken breast and a platter of mixed vegetables, dinner is vegetable soup only.

Tips to lose weight naturally

  • Drink a large amount of water daily.
  • Eat yogurt without fat.
  • Eating star anise, mint, ginger, without adding sugar.
  • Walking is one of the things that helps you lose weight.
  • Refrain from eating sugars and sweets.
  • Chew food well before swallowing it.
  • Eat small amounts of vegetables between meals when you feel hungry.
  • Avoid eating fast food.

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