“The favorite technique of anti-conspiracy writers: accusatory inversion” Francois Belliot

by time news

“A thought police without official function: surveillance, denunciation, blacklists, with an increasingly great influence in the organs of the State”. Author of Anticonspiracy Exposed Through Rudy Reichstadt’s Imposter and of Charlie Hebdo massacre: the impossible investigation, François Belliot, writer and man of letters, analyzes in this “Essential interview” the term “which served to label and demonize all those who criticized the government’s management of the health crisis”: conspiracy. Officially entered into the dictionary at the end of the 2000s, the term “conspirator”, like its synonym “conspiracy”, is, for our guest, a semantic fraud: “This would imply that the conspirator is a specialist in something like the pianist or flutist,” he laughs. “Are conspirators plotters? “.

For François Belliot, make no mistake about it: “The favorite technique of anti-conspiracy writers is accusatory inversion”. What is adversarial reversal? “It consists in accusing the enemies that you propose of demonizing flaws and vices of which you are yourself the incarnation or the vectors”, explains the writer who underlines that the “anti-conspiracy discourse” is declined from one case to another by always using the same method of demonization. Whether it’s the war in Syria, the genocide in Rwanda, the American election, the fire at Notre-Dame, the Covid-19 crisis, this “inquisitorial technique”, as simplistic as effective, allows its user to discredit his opponent without the need to argue: “A golden rule: never go into the details of cases. On the ground of the facts, they would be losers, therefore they will not venture there. »

The opportunity for François Belliot to also return to the profile of Rudy Reichstadt: “An insignificant and mediocre character who has become an absolute reference” who “will teach Professor Raoult or even the chief engineer of Notre Dame de Paris” , he asserts. In short, sums up the writer, this man and his fellow “witch hunters” followers are “specialists in everything, specialists in nothing”.

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