The fear of the new variety: “Durable, contagious and more powerful”

by time news

Introduction of the new variant: The World Health Organization gave the new strain the Greek letter “Omicron” and defined it as “worrying”, similar to the definition given to the Delta strain in the beginning. David Navarro, the World Health Organization’s envoy for the Corona issue, expressed concern about the new variant: “What should worry us are three changes – is the virus becoming more potent, more contagious and more resistant to vaccines? This strain seems to meet all three. We are just We do not yet know everything for sure. “

Navarro went on to say: “I understand why the markets are worried. This is because the economic recovery we have seen in recent months has been amazing. But it has been based on the world continuing to overtake the virus. It seems that in recent days the virus is creeping up on us again.” South Africa today reported a 258% jump in the number of infected compared to last week, 9.1% of the tests in the country – positive. Only 23% of the country’s population is covered by two servings.

The country is trying to minimize the economic and image damage caused to it, in view of the cancellations of flights and bans on entering its citizens around the world. The South African health minister said at a press conference: “Cases of the strain found in Israel and Belgium prove – this is an international emergency. We must work together and not blame each other.” Despite the pleas in South Africa, EU countries have announced the cessation of flights to and from South Africa.

Adviser to the President of the DRAF: “Those who are vaccinated with Pfizer will be protected from a serious illness”

Prof Berry Shub, a South African presidential adviser to Corona vaccines and former head of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in the country, said today that he estimates that those vaccinated with Pfizer vaccines will not develop a serious illness, even if infected with the new strain. In an interview with Liat Regev on the “Half Day Six” program here on Net B, Prof. said again that, however, it is not possible to know for sure whether he will get sick easily.

Listen to Dr. Berry’s words again

He spoke again about the new variant and said that in South Africa it is feared that it is more contagious, passes more easily, and may be resistant to vaccines. “We have never known anything like this in any variant,” he said of the difference between it and the other variants. “It’s a brand new variant with its own evolution, completely separate from all the other variants.”

He added: “What worries us is that it has many more mutations than previous variants, it has over 30 mutations. The worrying thing is that they are in the spike protein on the surface of the cell, so we are afraid it is more contagious.” He later expressed opposition to Israel’s move to prevent people from South African countries from entering the country: “I do not agree with that, restricting people will not stop the entry of the variant.”

The first case of the new strain was discovered in Europe

The first case in Europe of the new version of Corona was identified in Belgium, in a young and unvaccinated woman who developed mild flu-like symptoms 11 days after traveling to Egypt via Turkey. The woman did not report any contact with South Africa or other South African countries. None of her family members developed symptoms. It is said to carry a high viral load at the time of diagnosis.

Stock markets plummeted with the opening of Message Day on Wall Street, following the re-discovery of the corona virus strain that renewed fears of a global epidemic intensification. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 800 points, or 2.2 percent, according to real-time market data from CNBC. The S&P 500 was down 1.4%, and the Nasdaq was down almost 1%.

In Europe, energy stocks led the markets down. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was down 2.5%. The FTSE 100 index in the UK fell by 2.7%, while the major stock indices in France, Spain and Italy also fell by more than 3%. In Asia, the Nikkei 2225 in Japan closed down 2.5% and the Hong Kong Hong Kong Index closed down 2.7%.

Meanwhile, the discovery of the new strain is causing worldwide concern. Although many countries have been quick to announce the cessation of flights from South Africa, the World Health Organization does not believe the move is necessary at the moment. “At this point, the organization warns against enforcing travel restrictions. It is recommended that states continue to apply a risk-based and science-based approach to adopting travel restrictions,” said International Health Organization spokesman Christian Lindermeier.

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