The federal state “Fleckerlteppich”: Which corona rules apply where?

by time news

The worsening pandemic situation has prompted the federal states to decide on their own to tighten the requirements – most recently especially with regard to the FFP2 mask requirement.

Both the federal government and the federal states have recently repeatedly encountered the “patchy carpet” of the different corona measures in the federal states. Despite efforts, this has not yet been eliminated. The following is an overview of the current regional requirements.

For some time now, Vienna has been adopting stricter measures

In Vienna, significantly stricter measures have been in place for a long time than in the federal government, such as an FFP2 obligation for customers in the entire retail sector. According to the regulation now in hand, this will be extended further from Friday. So there is an FFP2 obligation in all indoor spaces apart from the private area – also in the workplace and thus also for the employees in the trade, even if they have been vaccinated or have recovered. This obligation applies in general, however, also in offices, provided that there is contact with other people, unless there are structural protective measures on site. For guests in the gastronomy, the way to and from the table will only be able to be done with a mask – and the staff there too will have to wear FFP2 masks again without exception. The same applies to the staff of body-hugging service providers.

In addition, from Friday in Vienna a 2Gplus regulation will apply to customers in certain areas: This means that night-time restaurants and events from 25 people can only be visited if vaccinated or recovered people also have a negative PCR test result. In exceptional cases, an antigen test may be sufficient, namely if a PCR test was demonstrably not available or was not evaluated in a timely manner. In addition, the obligation does not apply if a Covid disease has been survived within the past 40 days. The rule for children is also stricter than in the federal government: For six to eleven year olds, the so-called “ninja pass” (school tests) must be presented as proof of 2G (nationwide requirement: only from 12 years of age); a fully glued pass (3 tests per week) is also valid on weekends. In Vienna, 12 to 15-year-olds have to present a 2.5 G certificate, whereby the PCR test is valid for 48 hours from acceptance (in the federal government the ninja pass is sufficient until the end of the ninth school year, after which you have to submit a 2G Present proof).

Lower Austria tightened FFP2 requirements

In Lower Austria, the FFP2 obligation has been tightened since Wednesday. Customers in the hospitality industry have to wear the mask on their way to and from the square; guests in the interiors of cultural institutions (such as theaters, cinemas as well as concert halls and arenas) now have to use this higher-quality mask. Such protection must also be used when dealing with parties.

Burgenland relies on the mask

In Burgenland, FFP2 masks must also be worn again from Wednesday in all publicly accessible rooms – for example at events, in public transport, in the hospitality industry and for body-friendly services. The mask requirement also applies to accommodation providers, leisure and cultural institutions and trade fairs.

Upper Austria’s night clubs have to close

In Upper Austria – since Monday – a general FFP2 mask requirement has been in effect indoors, in restaurants this also applies up to the seat (exception: mouth and nose protection for 6- to 14-year-olds). Discos and night clubs have to close by December 6th. All events are also prohibited until December 6th – with the exception of those in the “professional culture and sports sector”. After this point in time, the closed areas should be open again to people with 2G verification. Advent markets can take place, but FFP2 mask requirements and a ban on consumption apply. Takeaway is possible.

Salzburg: drinks only with a seat

In the federal state of Salzburg, the FFP2 mask requirement has been in effect since Monday for all employees with customer contact or when the distance to colleagues is less than one meter. Even with body-hugging service providers such as hairdressers, in restaurants and generally accessible areas of accommodation providers, in leisure and cultural facilities as well as in markets – the FFP2 mask is also mandatory outdoors. Food and drinks in pubs may only be consumed while sitting. In addition, 2G proof is required for museums, cultural exhibition houses, libraries, archives and on occasional markets such as the Christmas market. Alcohol consumption is forbidden there.

Styria: protective masks also at work

The stricter FFP2 rule has been in force in Styria since Wednesday. Such a high-quality protective mask must always be worn in every closed room if another person who does not live in the same household is present. This also applies here to the workplace, provided that physical contact with other people cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, the FFP2 mask requirement also applies in the “Green Mark” in restaurants, when entering and leaving the restaurant and when going to the toilet.

Carinthia: Mask compulsory also in the hotel

In Carinthia, it will be tightened on Friday, the FFP2 obligation is also stipulated here “at the place of professional activity”. In Carinthia, too, consumption in restaurants will only be allowed at the seat in the future, and a mask must be worn when standing up – as is the case in hotels, where masks are to be worn in all generally accessible areas. The mask is also mandatory for customers in the areas of culture and leisure, exceptions should only be made for wet areas or when using fitness equipment.

Tyrol expands FFP2 rules

In Tyrol, an FFP2 mask has also been mandatory indoors at the workplace since Wednesday – if more than one person is in the room. There are exceptions to this if “other suitable protective measures” (such as Plexiglas walls) are in place – or if the obligation to wear a mask makes it impossible or unreasonably difficult (such as actors).

Vorarlberg will follow suit from Friday

From Friday, Vorarlberg will also follow suit: Here, too, the FFP2 obligation then applies in all indoor public spaces and at work – and in all places where there is customer contact (retail, catering, body-friendly service providers). Masks will also have to be worn at events.

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