The female lead in “Walking in the Bright Sky” was criticized by the audience.

by times news cr

Pu makes Brush hurt

The film’s rating exceeded 4%, higher than all the TV dramas currently airing in prime time.

On social networks, the two main characters of the film, Pu (Thu Ha Ceri) and Chai (Long Vu), became a hot topic of discussion.

However, some new details in episode 14 divided the audience into two opinions. Many defended the female lead, while others thought Pu was heartless and took advantage of Chai’s feelings to achieve personal goals.

Pu agreed to marry Chai then found a way to postpone the wedding.

From episode 13, Pu unexpectedly agrees to do Chai’s wife. But that was just an excuse for her to send Chai home, to have time to prepare for his studies in the lowlands. Chai was happy that he was going to marry Pu, so he prepared a proposal party. In front of Pu and his friends, Chai burned the debt paper of Pu’s family. That was also the gift he wanted to give her.

In the latest episode, Pu again convinced Chai that she still wanted to go downstream. When Chai said he wanted to go with her, she advised him that “it’s best to find your own path.” She gave the reason that they were both young and shouldn’t waste their youth on marriage.

Pu’s argument made Chai waver. Thinking of her and his passion, Chai agreed to let Pu go to school on the condition that he would go with her. In front of Pu’s parents, Chai said he would wait until she came back from school and then get married.

The female lead in “Walking in the Bright Sky” was criticized by the audience.

Pu reasoned with Chai’s father, making him angry but unable to force her to get married right away.

Chai informed both families about the decision to postpone the wedding, but Mr. Chieu (Meritorious Artist Hoang Hai) advised Pu to go to school after the wedding. She used reasoning again, telling everyone that she married to be happy, not to take on debt. “I want to use time to answer whether Chai and I are destined for each other,” Pu found every reason to postpone the wedding.

Chai declared that he would follow Pu to Hanoi, making Mr. Chieu angry and locking him in a room. Having achieved his goal of going to school, as soon as he got on the bus, Pu dreamed of the future beyond the school gate. Meanwhile, Chai called but was harshly rejected by her. Chai felt disappointed, as if he had been deceived by the woman of his dreams.

From the beginning of the film, Chai, despite being playful, always shows his sincere feelings for Pu. The male lead’s lines like “Pu just needs to be my wife, I’ll agree to anything” or “Pu can do anything I want, except stop loving Pu” make the audience excited.

Pu always took Chai’s help for granted. When she needed money, she immediately called Chai and arrogantly asked Chai to give her all the money from her father’s goods. She also freely accepted Chai’s expensive gifts, although she firmly refused to get married.


The day Pu went to school, Chai was miserable.

Episode 14 shows that Pu is deceiving and taking advantage of Chai’s sincerity to both go to school and postpone the wedding that she previously agreed to hold.

“Pu is spoiled by Chai so much that he doesn’t know what’s good for him, just like the saying goes: Pampering creates ungrateful people. Pu only thinks about himself, never understanding Chai”, “I don’t understand why Pu refused Chai’s call when he had achieved his goal”, “From this episode, I officially stopped liking Pu”… some viewers commented.


Comb always followed Pu’s wishes, ready to give her all the money when she needed it.

However, many people also think that Pu’s actions not unreasonable. If Chai’s feelings are deep enough, the two will be together after Pu finishes school. Moreover, Pu’s dream of going to school is very legitimate and pure.

The plot of the film is predicted to be more intense when Pu goes to the city to study. The attraction of Going in the Bright Sky is still maintained.

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