«The Ferragnez», look at the series with a smile, as if it were a fairy tale- time.news

by time news

a perfect narrative mechanism: it allows the two to undress, to show the other side of the moon: we imagine them strong and ruthless and instead they are fragile and tender

Nothing is thrown away from the Ferragnez. And this is the first tip for those who are about to see the first five episodes of their family saga (Amazon Prime). The second: although the virtual and material worlds are gleefully merging, the old distinction between representation and reality still holds true. I Ferragnez a story, with all the rules of an instagrammed narrative. The third: the expedient of couple therapy (In Treatment does a lot, even if the psycho-something uses the verb to approach) a perfect narrative mechanism: it allows the two to undress, to show the other side of the moon (we imagine them strong and ruthless and instead they are fragile and tender). She is an eternal teenager, he is a curmudgeon who fights against the world. our life, they are like us. The fourth: the world of the Ferragnez inhabited by in-laws and in-laws.

And here we are in full Achille Campanile: Here lies Piero d’Avenza, an upstanding citizen, tireless worker, exemplary husband and father, very loving son, discreet brother, satisfactory cousin, passable brother-in-law, detestable son-in-law, very tender great-uncle, little biscuit without particular importance, insignificant nephew, model great-grandson, unsurpassed father-in-law, fussy friend, insolvent debtor, a little noisy neighbor, dead demanding, Una prece !. The fifth: the most repeated word in the five episodes love: try to mentally repeat any word, after a while it will lose all meaning and it will be just an empty shell floating in a puddle. The sixth: the Christmas scene in Como (rented villa), by the Vanzina brothers, is wonderful. The class has this paradoxical aspect, which is made up above all of things that cannot be learned. Or of things that represent what cannot be bought. The seventh (seal): look at the Ferragnez with a smile, as if it were a fairy tale.

December 10, 2021 (change December 11, 2021 | 07:29)

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