The ‘fever’ for red crab returns to the Caraguay market in Guayaquil

by time news

Dozens of people gathered on the red crab landing esplanade in the Caraguay Market in Guayaquil. Photo: Enrique Pesantes / EL COMERCIO

A strong movement of sellers and buyers of Red crab is registered in the Caraguay Municipal Marketsouth of Guayaquil. After a 34-day ban, the sale of the crustacean returned to one of the traditional distribution points in the city and the country.

The veda that prohibited the capture, transport and commercialization of the crustacean It was extended from January 28 to this Thursday, March 2. He bundle price of 13 crabs fluctuates between USD 14 and USD 18 (depending on the size), a price that is multiplied by four for those of the fatter paws. That is, the plates are sold for up to USD 72.

The workers raise the crab plates to the shoulder from a pier on the guayas riveras far as the boats from different parts of the Gulf of Guayaquil. And they leave the market by dozens on large highways.

Hundreds of slabs of crabs landed in Caraguay on the first day after a 34-day ban. Photo: Enrique Pesantes / THE COMMERCE

Red Crab Madness

Leonardo Naranjo, from El Corvinón restaurant de Sauces 6, came to buy 20 crab plates red. “Today is crazy, it sells a lot in the restaurant. And more being Friday, after the end of the month. In the next 15 days the sale is high in the crabfish. I’ll be back tomorrow for 20 more plates,” she said.

In los Sauces and Miraflores, to the north of the city, are located the main crabs, specialty restaurants. Los selected crabs for restaurants it is sold at USD 180 dollars for 104 crustaceansknotted in two large plates, explained Naranjo.

Jorge Ponce, one of the sellers of the 50 market stallsexplained that the first season of the year is intended for the period precourtship and copulation of the species. And for this reason there are no problems with the maturation of the flavor due to the shell change, which takes place between August and September of each year.

both in the procession as the crab copulation red is done exclusively in the outside of burrows. And the first season has precisely the objective of protecting the species when it is most vulnerable to overcapture.

Loaders raise the slabs of crabs that land the boats at the pier on the Guayas River, in Caraguay. Photo: Enrique Pesantes / EL COMERCIO

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