The fierce battle for control of football that feeds the Kings League

by time news

Barcelona“The power that governs must be very great, since there are many who aspire to do so,” said Voltaire. The fight to see who is in charge of the Catalan Football Federation (FCF) has left scenes typical of fictional series like game of thrones. “Everything we have put together during these years… and all for a position of power,” Àlex Talavera, one of the three initial candidates in the presidential elections, told this newspaper. Held in May 2022, they had to be repeated after 175 invalid votes were detected, irregularities denounced by Talavera himself, second to only 26 votes of Joan Soteras, first in the voting. The repetition, held this February, again had the same winner. Juanjo Isern’s team, second in the second ballot, has presented evidence to the Catalan Sports Court (TCE) that once again confuses the electoral process.

With 57% of the votes (503), Joan Soteras was re-elected as president of the FCF, beating Juanjo Isern (335 votes) and Pep Palacios (12 votes). “I think we have shown that Catalan football wants us, to be able to put an end to the corruption that existed”, said Soteras at the time, who accused Isern of wanting to enter the FCF through the back door. “We got fewer votes because many clubs couldn’t participate,” said Isern. The elections, held on Monday, made it impossible for many of the voters to exercise their right, in what they consider an electoral process in which the interests of the candidate Soteras, who was already president and aspired to revalidate his mandate, were allegedly favored.

If the TCE accepts the appeal, third elections in sight

According to the documents provided to the TCE by Isern’s judicial team, to which this newspaper was able to access, several actions would have been perpetrated by Soteras’ candidacy that could be illegal. One of these actions is related to an alleged document falsification. “Through pressure and favors to some clubs, Soteras got their votes,” says Isern. In other cases, he says, they opted for the direct route. “For these second elections, the TCE asked for a piece of paper to validate the right to vote. The problem comes when Soteras goes to the notary and grants documents in his name, claiming that the clubs have given him full powers to do- ho”, they explain from their team, who report that 171 votes were cast through these irregular notarial acts. They also point out that the 21 clubs that did not meet the requirements to vote did so in favor of Soteras. “The fact is that they make it more difficult for their rivals to vote, and much easier for them to vote for them,” the legal team says.

The clearest appeal, according to them, is the one they present regarding the ineligibility of Soteras. At the time the TCE ordered a repeat election, the then president-elect did not appoint a management committee. Although the court had set a 24-hour limit on January 12 to leave office, Soteras remained in office until the 29th, and was both president and candidate for the elections. “He took advantage of his privileges commanding the FCF to use resources in his campaign,” says Isern. “I think they made a mistake here, and it’s an aspect that can have consequences,” acknowledges Talavera.

For their part, sources from the FCF have made it clear to this newspaper that they do not attach any importance to these news that are just emerging now, two months after the elections. “We believe that they are nothing more than mechanisms to destabilize our candidacy”, they affirm, while pointing out that they will continue to focus on working to improve the situation of Catalan football. However, Soteras himself will offer explanations this Sunday in a press conference.

The main problem, the war between two sides

In the most optimistic case, from the Isern team they ask that the second candidacy with the most votes, theirs, be taken into account to enter government. The other option in case the appeal was taken into account would be an already known scenario, putting the ballot boxes for the third time. Legal sources point out that the decision will be known in no more than three weeks. “They just want to get into the federation, no matter what,” says Talavera. The former president of Cornellà claims that he is the victim of a Dantesque situation, allegedly orchestrated by those who are now denouncing Soteras. “Behind Isern’s candidacy is Andreu Subies, ex-president of the FCF, who is fighting a war with Soteras to regain power. Because of this, there has been no talk of football for years,” he says.

Talavera’s seemed to be the only proposal that could face Soteras, but he was unable to present himself in the second election. “I came second and Juanjo third. We found that joining us was the most logical way to win. The problem comes when, at a meeting, Isern appears holding the hand of Subies. I did not accept his conditions and they threatened me saying that, if I didn’t do it, people from my team would resign and I wouldn’t be able to present myself. And said and done,” he complains to this newspaper. Isern, for his part, denies any link with Subies, who is charged with corruption and embezzlement. “It’s crazy. I’m a popular accusation against Subies in the Soule case,” he argues. And he adds: “These ten people from Talavera’s team left when they learned that he had a pact with Soteras.” The former candidate denies this claim, which only adds more cloudiness to the great battle to control Catalan football.

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