“The fight against Covid will continue but there are other fronts to act on”

by time news

2023-09-05 16:28:16

Focus on scientific research and promote prevention in the field of infectious diseases. These are the two fronts of action of the new management of the INMI Spallanzani in Rome, which during the Covid pandemic became the front line to which Italians looked to feel reassured first about infections and then about ‘weapons’, from vaccines to antivirals. Now the reins of the Institute have been taken over by Angelo Aliquò who has very clear ideas about the present and the future of Spallanzani.

“I was given a clear mandate by the president of Lazio Francesco Rocca: to continue expanding the Institute’s activities, from research to assistance, starting from the good that has been done in the public health scenario – explains Aliquò to time.news Health – Since we cannot exclude other pandemics, but we really hope not, we will also continue to deal with Covid. But we must also be aware that there are not only viruses to fight, but also hospital infections with resistant bacteria. The ‘brand’ Spallanzani must be used wisely – underlines the general manager – underlining what has been done and continuing to invest in clinical research, as well as laboratory research. INMI was on the front line during the Covid pandemic and will continue to be a point of reference, perhaps also becoming an educational pole to explain that vaccines, all of them and not just the anti-Covid, are not something dangerous “.

Spallanzani has been characterized in recent years by a large opening in the territory of the capital. “We want to implement this feature – highlights the General Manager – We have already met some associations that deal with sexually transmitted diseases and we want to offer them a place to meet with our specialists, bringing those who have difficulty or fear to face this type of treatment as close as possible problem. We will do it with prevention, but also with cure”.

The topic of research and assistance often clashes with that of public health resources. Director Aliquò has a long experience behind him. He arrives at Spallanzani after the direction of the ASL of Frosinone, but he has been involved in health organization for twenty years. He was general manager of Seus 118, of the Asp of Ragusa and led the Irccs Neurolesi Bonino-Pulejo of Messina. “After twenty years of work I have a clear idea – he says – The enormous increase in chronicity, which corresponds to a greater survival of the population, is intertwined with that of the relevant costs for assistance. I do not want to refer to waste, that there shouldn’t be in this sector, and the closure of the hospitals that we have seen with the pandemic have not been decisive either, but it is clear that we must find the resources for public health, not all necessarily externally”.

“Part of the funds can be invested in increasing prevention – specifies the General Manager – I give an example: colon cancer screening can save us no less than hundreds of thousands of euros that would be spent on the treatment process of the patient. Not to mention that much suffering would be avoided for him and his family. The problem is that we are able to detect very few tumors in advance. Things could change if we did compulsory prevention”.

The Maneuver is approaching and there is talk of a lack of resources for the National Health Service. On this issue there seems to be a sharing of intentions also by political exponents of different areas. “Health care – observes Aliquò – is neither of the right nor of the left, but of the people. The founding fathers had imagined a universal public system and we should all contribute to this goal. But we must also start thinking differently, for example thinking that if I have a high income, I can also partially contribute to the expenses in case I have to break my leg and go to the emergency room. Unlike those with a lower income, they could continue to receive treatment for free”.

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