The fight against sexist and sexual violence in the light of Macron’s “at the same time”

by time news

The specter of sexual violence resurfaces at the worst time for Emmanuel Macron. Tuesday, June 14, the site Mediapart reported the story of a woman saying that she had been the victim of an attempted rape in 2010 by the Minister of Solidarity, Damien Abad – without however taking legal action. Charges that the person concerned “categorically refutes”, denouncing the “carefully chosen timing of these publications”five days before the second round of the legislative elections, on June 19.

This testimony is accompanied by other statements by activists or political leaders who have observed Mr. Abad’s behavior “inappropriate, inappropriate” vis-à-vis women, in the words of the mayor of Amiens, Brigitte Fouré (Union of Democrats and Independents). What weigh down the file of the minister, already accused by two women, who remained anonymous, of sexual violence.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Damien Abad affair once again puts Emmanuel Macron on the defensive

“If there are new elements, if justice is again seized, we will draw all the consequences of this decision”, reacted the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, on May 22, the day after the revelations – by Mediapart, already – of these two cases. However, Matignon has decided not to crack down, despite this new testimony, against the defector from the Les Républicains party.

“I cannot comment on the basis of anonymous testimonies”justified the head of government, Wednesday, at the turn of her legislative campaign in Calvados, adding to the address of these women that“Do not hesitate to file a complaint”.

Irreconcilable visions

“I am not a judge”underlined Terminal in front of a passer-by who challenged him on the subject. “This man is at the top of our country. I’m sorry, as a woman I don’t feel safe.”, retorted the latter. A symptomatic exchange of the break between the executive and feminist circles, carried by the #metoo wave of denunciation of sexist and sexual violence.

The promotion, in July 2020, of Gérald Darmanin to the Ministry of the Interior, then accused of rape – a dismissal of the case has since been requested –, as well as the appointment to the Ministry of Justice of Eric Dupond-Moretti, known for his anti-#metoo stance, had been experienced as an affront by the victims of sexual violence. An episode whose memory is today revived by the situation of Mr. Abad.

Each time, Emmanuel Macron opposes requests for resignation from feminist collectives with the same dismissal, on the grounds of the presumption of innocence. “We will never accept a society of opacity or complacency. And we don’t want an inquisition society either.”defended the Head of State, in December 2021, behind closed doors of the Council of Ministers, in the midst of turmoil after the revelation by France 2 of six testimonies from women implicating his former minister Nicolas Hulot.

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